Coronavirus has upended the global economy, presenting governments with a challenge: how to navigate a severe, external threat in a manner that strikes the right balance between efforts to protect public health and people’s livelihoods. The pandemic hit partway through a three-year partnership between the WRI Finance Center and the Fijian Ministry of Economy, providing WRI with a unique insight into the challenges and lessons to be learned on resilience, preparedness and global cooperation from the small island nation.

尽管世界上一些较大的经济体正在努力遏制该病毒,但斐济只有18例已知病例,记录了零死亡,并且经受住了热带旋风哈罗德(Harold),这是第4类风暴,因为病例达到了峰值。对于斐济60%的死亡是由于慢性健康状况that are known to increase the mortality of COVID-19, that is a tremendous accomplishment.

该国于6月5日宣布自己无名,但要到达那里,必须关闭其边界和旅游业。斐济在Covid-19和Cyclone Harold的经验提醒您,在任何全球危机中,最小,最脆弱的国家可用的工具是三重的:准备和积极的弹性或反应投资;与国际发展合作伙伴密切合作;以及对可持续发展的关键支柱的拥抱:环境健康,社会和人类健康以及经济增长。




Fiji did thisdespite being hit by a cyclone mid-pandemic.在4月初,热带气旋哈罗德(Harold)击中了斐济(Fiji),成为4类风暴。哈罗德(Harold)造成了至少4400万美元的损失,摧毁了至少635栋房屋,并损坏了2100套房屋。(风暴对所罗门群岛,瓦努阿图和汤加造成了更严重的破坏。)

Fiji is experienced in dealing with cyclones—every year brings a six-month cyclone season—and it’s possible this institutional muscle memory sped the country’s COVID response. In 2016, Tropical Cyclone Winston, a severe category 5 storm,wiped out more than a third of the country’s GDPin 36 hours. In response, the Fijian government launched the “Build Back Better” program to rebuild more than 200 public buildings so they could withstand comparable future storms.

哈罗德(Harold)是测试181所学校和25座公共建筑物的首次重要风暴,这些建筑物迄今已在“ Build Better Better”计划下完成。没有人损坏。


尽管斐济最大程度地减少了Covid-19的公共卫生影响,但现在遇到了经济灾难。旅游业该国几乎40%的国内生产总值。With the borders closed since March 25, at least15万斐济人,或几乎是劳动力的一半,面临减少收入或失业。热带旋风哈罗德的损害使这些成本加剧了。尽管预计政府将削减30%以上的支出,但如果旅游业或其他消息来源不返回,它可能会在2020年12月的破产中面临破产。

Amid these unprecedented circumstances, the Fijian people have moved to re-establish traditional, non-cash means of economic activities. Almost 170,000 people have joined the “易货币以获得更好的斐济” Facebook Group于4月中旬成立,由志愿者独立运营。该集团为斐济人提供了一个平台,以谈判自己的行业,例如无需使用现金的小猪。到5月底,它已获得开发计划署和澳大利亚的两项小额赠款,以扩展到Facebook之外。该小组瞥见了斐济人民的韧性和社区精神,以及对国家经济动荡的独特衡量标准。

Through itsCOVID-19响应预算,,,,the Fijian government is providing roughly $445 million (FJD$1 billion) in economic stimulus. But as a small island developing country, Fiji does not have the same capacity as China, the United States or the European Union to inject several billion dollars into its economy. Instead, it must seek assistance from its international partners.

迄今为止从全球社区获得的援助是无价的。双边合作伙伴,尤其是澳大利亚和新西兰,为斐济提供了重要的医疗用品,测试能力和旋风援助,以及大约900万美元(FJD 2000万美元)的预算支持。日本国际合作社提供了近2000万美元(FJD 4500万美元)的优惠贷款,或以更慷慨的条款延长的国际市场上可用的贷款,以响应Cyclone Harold。亚洲开发银行已为Covid-19提供了2亿美元的优惠贷款,并为Harold提供了40万美元的赠款。斐济政府将从世界银行的COVID-19工厂中敲定350万美元(FJD 750万美元)的援助计划,其中包括300万美元(FJD 640万美元的贷款)。

由于新西兰在6月8日宣布自己无名,澳大利亚预计很快就会取得类似的结果,因此这些政府正在讨论无病毒的旅行泡沫。如果要包括斐济roughly 65% of Fiji’s tourists。In theaiyaz sayed-khaiyum的话斐济经济部长:“包括斐济以及澳大利亚和新西兰在内的旅行泡沫将比任何援助或援助都做得更多……我们希望进入这种泡沫。”

How Development Partners Can Assist Countries like Fiji



  • 国际发展伙伴为包括小岛发展中国家在内的脆弱国家的社会经济稳定做出了贡献。Fiji has limited the health consequences of both the pandemic and the cyclone, largely due to close collaboration with its development partners. These same partners continue to provide budget support and other forms of financial assistance, which is vital to keeping Fiji’s economy afloat while the pandemic continues abroad and Fiji’s borders remain closed. The proposed virus-free trans-Tasman travel bubble offers an opportunity for Fiji to restart its tourism sector without exposing itself to a sizeable public health risk.
  • 投资弹性有益。In a report issued last fall, the全球适应委员会found that investments in resilience can deliver benefits that are two to ten times the initial investment. Fiji’s swift actions to prevent a widespread COVID-19 outbreak helped the country avoid a health disaster and have put the Fijian government in a position to discuss joining a limited re-opening for tourism. In another example, the country’s “Build Back Better” program, designed to help citizens withstand another category 5 cyclone, yielded impressive results: none of the more than 200 buildings constructed were damaged by Harold, shielding both the Fijian people and the government budget from catastrophic costs.
  • 重建的努力应接受协作和可持续发展。As all countries begin rebuilding their economies after COVID-19, they need to embrace resilience and sustainability. Fiji’s experience is a clear reminder that investing in social and environmental needs is the basis of economic stability. Fiji’s国家适应计划于2018年出版,确定了160项干预措施,以在整个经济中建立气候韧性,并帮助关键部门(如公共卫生,农业和林业)的主流气必威官网是真的吗候考虑因素,以同时促进气候适应并促进弹性的经济增长。NAP干预措施包括Build Back更好的计划的主要目标 - 这是确保每个社区都有旋风弹性的学校或公共庇护所。


In March 2019, the WRI Finance Center entered a three-year partnership with the Ministry of Economy of Fiji to help improve Fiji’s understanding of and access to climate finance and to build up the climate finance capacity of the Ministry’s Climate Change Division. Caitlin Smith is WRI’s embedded advisor to the Fiji Climate Change Division. Prashant Chandra and Nilesh Prakash are former employees of the Ministry of Economy but remain engaged in Fiji’s climate finance space. The views expressed in this blog do not represent the views of the Fiji Ministry of Economy.