
That’s the big finding of our new study,眼见为实,分析了减少美国温室气体排放的机会。我们检查了五个领域,例如电力发电,电力消耗,乘用车,天然气和氢氟化合物(HFCS) - 占美国温室气体排放的55%。In each case, we found that reducing emissions can yield significant economic benefits even before you factor in the advantages of avoiding drought, sea level rise, and other climate change impacts.

这study builds on the groundbreaking report,更好的增长,更好的气候必威官网是真的吗, which found that international climate action and economic growthcan go hand-in-hand。以下是美国通过减少其排放所能实现的一些经济利益:

Reduce the Carbon Intensity of Electric Generation

Producing cleaner power is more economically attractive than ever before. The prices of solar panels decreased 80 percent since 2008. Natural gas plants cost less than new coal generation, and renewable energy is cheaper than either fuel in a growing number of markets.


  • 19-44%:在美国,新的天然气发电比新的煤炭发电更便宜。
  • 5美分: Price per kilowatt hour from Austin Energy’snew solar project,要归功于一项电力购买协议和联邦税收激励措施。新的天然气发电的一代将每千瓦时7美分,煤炭10美分和核13美分的价格花费7美分。以这些速度,即使没有税收抵免,太阳能也与天然气的竞争力。
  • $10 million:由于风能增加,预计爱荷华州中美洲公用事业公司的客户的年度电费预计将减少。这new wind generation将创造460个建筑工作,48个永久性就业机会和超过3.6亿美元的新财产税收入。
  • $83-$241 per person:随着可再生能源产生的增加,该国不同地区的美国纳税人每年都可以节省。这相当于全国数十亿美元。


活力efficiency can reduce electricity use while saving consumers money on energy bills. For example:

  • 4500亿美元: Amount consumers will save in electric bills through 2030 fromfederal appliance standards自2009年以来实施。
  • $2-$5: Amount state efficiency programs save consumers for every $1 invested.
  • 50-67%: How much便宜energy efficiency was for utilities compared to the cost of new sources of electricity (like a natural gas or coal plant) from 2009 to 2012.

Build Cleaner Passenger Vehicles


  • $3,400-$5,000: Amount owners will save over the lifetime of their vehicles from new federal fuel economy standards for model year 2025 vehicles.
  • 40%: Amount electric vehicle battery prices fell since 2008. Experts predict that long-distance electric vehicles may be cost-competitive with combustion engine vehicles in the early 2020s.
  • 4: Number of automobile manufacturers that expect to have fuel cell vehicles on the market by 2015-2017.
  • 6700亿美元 - 2.3万亿美元: Savings from reduced fuel costs那会累积between 2010 and 2050 if vehicle emissions dropped 80 percent below 2005 levels.

Reduce Waste from Natural Gas

甲烷是天然气的主要组成部分,其强力是二氧化碳的34倍。因此,即使天然气burns cleanerthan coal,methane leaks throughout the supply chain降低其气候利益,并用挥发性必威官网是真的吗有机化合物(VOC)污染空气。减少这些排放can save the industry money and improve public health.

  • $10 million:最低天然气行业每年都会节省recent standards减少了甲烷泄漏,而没有考虑到空气污染减少的健康益处。
  • $1.5 billion:收入增加the industry could earn annually if all producers adopted best practices. This would also reduce U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by 150 million metric tons by 2020.
  • $ 2,640:从天然气系统发出的每吨VOC的平均公共卫生损害,这发出数百万吨的VOC每年。



  • 百万: Number of HFC-free coolers Coca-Cola uses, which will prevent emissions of about 5.25 million metric tons of CO2 over 10 years.
  • 40%:该国的百分比可以在2030年之前减少其HFC排放负价或收支平衡的价格
  • 15%: Savings Heineken achieved on the price of its coolers once it purchased HFC-free coolers at a large scale.

Embracing a Low-Carbon Economy

这些数字说明了经济机会associated with climate action, we’ll need the right policies in place to fully realize them. And over the long term, the country will need to go beyond these “win-win” opportunities and take greater action across all economic sectors to避免最大的灾难性影响气候变必威官网是真的吗化。

Meanwhile, the costs of climate inaction continue to add up. The conditions that led to the 2011 Texas heat wave—which caused $5 billion in livestock and crop losses—are 20 times more likely to occur today than in the 1960s. The costs ofthese climate impactsare projected to rise, and action is urgently needed to reign in warming. According to the President’s Council of Economic Advisors, each decade of delay will increase the cost of mitigation by 40 percent.
