“Two years ago, when we started the Better Buying Lab, we all had a hunch that calling food vegetarian or vegan or meat-free just didn’t sound as good as ‘brisket’,” said Daniel Vennard, director of the Better Buying Lab at WRI. “Who wants to be told what they’re not going to have?” he continued. Vennard recently sat down with WRI Vice President for Communications Lawrence MacDonald to talk about his research into menu language. They discuss the link between his work and social marketing, how your brain models taste while you're ordering, and why "vegetarian" and "vegan" might not be the language that shifts the majority of the population to more sustainable diets.

最近的评论”这都是名字:如何提高基于植物的菜单项的销售," co-written by Vennard and Jonathan Wise, senior research associate with the Better Buying Lab, provides recommendations on how to title sustainable options on restaurant and catering menus. This research provides the basis for Vennard’s conversation with MacDonald, and offers dos and don’ts for crafting appealing menu language.

Vennard说:“在公司领域,每个人都擅长销售产品。”“我的野心是赋予民间社会的能力和知识,以了解最新的营销技术以及如何使用行为科学购买更可持续的产品。”Vennard设置了更好的购买实验室在2016年。世界各地的消费者都说他们想吃对自己和环境更好的食物,但他们始终无法遵循这种意图。更好的购买实验室与食品服务提供商,餐馆,杂货店和其他公司合作,研究如何使消费者购买更多可持续性食品 - 务必进行,鉴于气候紧缩以及与肉类,尤其是牛肉,羊肉,羊肉的消耗相关的排放量必威官网是真的吗和山羊。


