这篇文章是WRI博客系列的一部分,The Trump Administration. The series analyzes policies and actions by the administration and their implications for climate change, energy, economics and more.

The ramifications of President Donald Trump’s decision为了恢复和扩展全球插科打规则,a policy that prohibits U.S. funding to international organizations that administer, counsel on, advocate for or mention abortion, will extend far beyond women’s reproductive health.

The executive order willaffect $8.5 billion在美国对非政府组织的援助方面,从事从艾滋病毒/艾滋病到传染病的问题。它迫使全球卫生组织要么接受美国援助并取消堕胎服务,要么拒绝美国援助并获得替代资金来源。计划生育提供者和妇女组织已经预测that the administration’s decision will obstruct access to contraception and safe abortions, trigger a rise in abortion rates, undermine HIV prevention initiatives, and force health clinics, particularly in rural communities, to close.

而且,对于削减生殖服务的资金而言,另一个不太明显的影响 - 这将削弱妇女对公民参与和环境决策的积极贡献。


世界各地的妇女面临着重要的公民参与的障碍, such as social norms that limit their activities, inequitable laws that prevent their ownership and even access to resources, and historical discrimination that leaves them uneducated. Yet another enormous hurdle that women must clear before they can participate in political processes—frompublic consultations in the Philippines这使土著社区能够影响伐木行动社区森林管理委员会India that govern resource use—is time scarcity.

Women’s health center in south Somalia. Photo by A. Gichigi/Trócaire
Women’s health center in south Somalia. Photo by A. Gichigi/Trócaire

许多妇女对大部分家庭和照料工作负担沉重,缺乏参加地方政府会议的时间,参加决策或引起与当地官员的担忧。A recent study from Nicaragua验证克服这些家庭水平的挑战对于改善妇女参与社区森林决策至关重要。

When women can choose whether or when to have children, they have greater autonomy. They can allocate their time to pursuing an education, opening up a business, or engaging in policy-making decisions, such aswater dialogues确保法规支持可持续资源管理或土地法庭that enforce national laws bestowing women with equal rights. Increased social, economic and political capital in turn empower women to help reshape patriarchal gender norms.

所有这一切的关键是access to family planning和, more broadly, to comprehensive health services, which are错综复杂的链接性别平等。性别不平等指数国家排名相关with national contraceptive use. In Sierra Leone,指数上最不平等的国家之一,避孕患病率低于10%,但在挪威列表的列表中,避孕药使用率为80%。

Women’s Political Participation Improves Environmental Outcomes

在挪威这样的地方,性别平等高,妇女积极参与政治,学习show correlation with positive environmental outcomes such as ratifying international environmental treaties or designating protected lands. Additionally, research shows that women,不论政治隶属关系, 展示greater concern for the environmentthan men, and that female lawmakers increase the level ofcollaboration, conflict resolution and自我维持集体行动的能力.

A woman carries firewood in Nepal. Photo by Rob Tinworth/Flickr

在地方层面也是如此。自然资源治理,尤其是森林治理,改善必威官网亚洲体育了when women joinmanagement groups. This occurs primarily because reliance on forest productsis gendered;考虑到区域差异,妇女通常会收集柴火,饲料和食物,而男人则主要收获木材和狩猎。将女性的观点带入森林管理使决策更具代表性,并优化森林的使用范围更广泛。在尼泊尔和印度,researchERS发现,尽管妇女的质量较低,但在研究期间,由妇女群体管理的森林表现出比男性管理的森林地区更好的整体状况和更大的改善。

What to Expect Under President Trump

Shortly after President Trump reinstated the Global Gag Rule, the Netherlandsannouncedan international fund to reduce the shortfall in global health aid; seven countries已经加入了主动。然而,他们6亿美元的筹款目标可能不足以应对规则的有害影响。

Abortion rates during the Bush administration’s Global Gag Rule增加了40%in sub-Saharan Africa, and many family planning service providers were forced to downsize outreach in vulnerable communities. In Lesotho, USAID had to halt condom shipments to Planned Parenthood, the only distributer in the country. HIV prevalence rose dramatically in the country, with one in four women contracting the virus at that time, in addition to the increased burden of caring for sick family members. The Trump administration’s newly expanded Global Gag Rule may have even greater detrimental effects on women, their civic engagement and their capacity to influence environmental outcomes.