The private sector is a crucial partner in advancing sustainable development, and bilateral aid agencies are grappling with ways to learn from and leverage the activities of companies and markets. As the worlds of business and of aid increasingly intersect—and as development budgets are reined in even as demands on them grow—the pressure is to domore与私营部门合作。不过,真正的挑战是要做更好的

This was the headline message from a recent roundtable discussion with representatives from nine bilateral donor agencies and invitees from the private sector, co-organized by WRI and the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) in London (请参阅笔记来自圆桌会议)。

Both sides desire a strengthened relationship. Donor agencies see the private sector as an indispensable partner for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of aid. Agencies are looking for important sources of ideas, technology, and financing to scale up development solutions.

One example is the非洲企业挑战基金(AECF), which is funded by the Australian, British, Danish, Dutch, and Swedish aid agencies. AECF is improving livelihoods of poor people in rural Africa by supporting innovation and new business models to help small-scale farmers adapt to climate change and promote investment in the generation of low-cost, clean, renewable energy.

私营部门的行为者寻求更清晰的政策信号,并获得捐助机构的更一致的支持,尤其是在理解和浏览地方政治方面。他们还寻求机会开发新产品和新市场,从而受益于公共部门可以发挥的“风险风险”作用。Many shared interests--like improving the business climate in developing countries, extending service delivery, and including the four billion people at the base of the world’s income pyramid into the global economy --are already being advanced through closer partnership. For example, the French development agency (AFD) partnered with small, private operators to deliver universal access to water services in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (morehere).



The private sector is also extremely diverse. Working with big multinationals, investors,small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and the informal sector requires very different tools and approaches for successful partnerships.


3 Main Hurdles to Effective Collaboration

Participants in the WRI/IIED roundtable shared a strong sense that the time has come for a step-change in donor-private sector collaboration. Although public-private initiatives have increased over the past decade, these have tended to be piecemeal, scattered, and oriented towards maintaining the status quo (seehereherefor recent overviews of leading donor agencies’ engagement with the private-sector).



  1. 缺乏相互理解在捐助者和私营部门之间,由两种“一方”讲不同语言的私营部门,是由不同的“底线”动机,并具有不同的战略和运营驱动力和关注点。此外,不匹配的相互期望会繁殖不信任,尤其是在出现挑战时。

  2. A dearth of analysis and evidence告知更好的捐助者私人部门合作。对正在发生的事情(就当前的活动和影响而言),有效的是什么,什么是什么以及原因有限。结果,捐助者不足以负责任地透明地处理这些合作的增长。

  3. 捐助者的风险规避stemming from limited experience and capabilities in handling uncertainty. The tension between donor agencies’ ambition in scaling up collaboration with the private sector and their increasingly stringent results and accountability frameworks unwittingly act to constrain ambition and risk-taking.


To overcome the hurdles discussed at the roundtable, participants suggested four key priorities:

  1. 更结构化的对话以改善相互理解和学习,讨论要点,创造成功的共同愿景,并探索如何更好地合作的方法;

  2. 更好的证据证明什么有效,什么无效in marrying commercial and sustainable development success;

  3. 更清晰,更标准化的指标捕获捐助者部门合作的影响,福利和“价值和价值”,并跟踪提供预期结果的进度;和

  4. 空间和资源进行创新,冒险和实验。

