UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s recently released合成报告,“到2030年的尊严之路”,旨在帮助政府间谈判为2015年后的新发展议程奠定基础,以成功实现千年发展目标。简而言之,报告:

  • 公开工作组(OWG)认可了17个目标和169个目标,该目标是关于可持续发展目标(SDGS)的7月,这是千年发展目标的拟议继任者,该目标将于明年到期;

  • 展示了制定议程的广泛咨询,以及现在为雄心勃勃,全面的最终协议而存在的广泛支持;

  • makes the case for an integrated, universal sustainable development agenda that links inclusive economic growth, human well-being and the imperative to sustain healthy ecosystems;

  • 将更广泛的国际人权框架置于议程的核心,包括经济,社会,文化,公民和政治权利,以及发展权和后代的幸福权。

Overall, Ban has provided a compelling narrative and vision. The report does not propose radical changes from what member states have already agreed. Had he done so, it would likely have been outright rejected by the member states. At the same time, lack of specificity in his proposals poses a challenge to member states as they enter negotiations over the next 10 months. Here’s a perspective on some of the outstanding challenges they’ll face.

  1. 该报告提供了六个基本要素,用于交付可持续发展目标,但是元素与拟议的17个目标之间的关系尚不清楚。这些要素 - 尊严,人,繁荣,星球,正义和伙伴关系在解释议程的意图方面具有强大的作用,并可能有助于向公众描述。但是,该报告并未明确将目标链接到元素,也不清楚它们之间的关系将是什么。

  2. The report suggests a way to improve the existing 169 targets.While the secretary-general did not recommend outright to reduce the number of targets, he did call for a “technical review” by relevant actors within the UN system to improve target specificity and set target values where needed, and to ensure “full consistency with current political commitments and existing obligations under the law.” Currently, most targets either lack a deadline, are not quantified, or both. This technical tightening of the targets is essential to drive action and enable accountability.

  3. The report provides some strong, concrete recommendations on finance, but could have gone further.The long list of recommendations from the Intergovernmental Committee of Experts on Sustainable Development Financing left an opening for Ban to make more specific proposals, and the report could have more clearly and forcefully articulated priorities, particularly around domestic resources, financial regulations and innovative ways to raise additional resources, including private finance. On specifics, while the secretary-general underscores the need for better-targeted development aid, he does not propose a higher target for aid to the least developed, most vulnerable countries. Although he highlights the need to examine the role of development finance institutions in sustainable development, he leaves open the question of whether member states should call for a review process. One welcome proposal calls for an expert group to consider the relationship between climate finance and development aid.

  4. The report says relatively little on partnerships, leaving more work to be done on how to catalyze, organize, and scale up different types of partnerships.尽管广泛认可“伙伴关系”的重要性,但议程仍然缺乏对它们的定义方式,如何鼓励更多人以及如何最有效的共同理解。从更细微的定义开始(例如,多利益相关者,多尺度,多用途)需要更清晰的发音。

  5. 该报告在呼吁将环境和社会层面纳入传统经济进步措施中呼吁。Despite broad agreement that GDP alone is an insufficient indicator of sustainable development, there has been little progress in introducing broader measures. The report calls for development of alternative measures of progress to replace GDP, and mandatory environmental, social and governance reporting by corporations.

  6. The recommendations for a multi-tiered accountability framework are a good start, but the private sector needs to be included.区域参与性,多方利益相关者同行评审考虑国家报告并确定区域趋势,障碍和最佳实践的提案是向前迈出的一步。但是,尽管该报告要求“新的创新融资流以支持国家数据能力”,但没有具体的建议来确保各国拥有现在需要收集基线数据的资源。最后,在整体问责制框架和机构机制(例如高级政治论坛)中,缺少私营部门的专门位置和作用。

