
2014年,联合国预防犯罪和刑事司法委员会宣布非法伐木为“serious crime,” meriting the same level of attention as crimes such as drug trafficking. Crimes range from lone operators stealing trees from protected forests to sophisticated transnational schemes involving mislabeling of shipments, avoidance of taxes, and corrupt government officials and companies.

But just as illegal loggers are becoming more sophisticated in their thievery, so, too, are the technologies to catch these culprits. Advances in everything from chemistry to computing are helping authorities identify illegal timber and arrest its traders.

What Is This Wood, and Where Did It Come From?



Wood anatomyfocuses on the physical properties of wood, where an investigator analyzes – either on a macro or micro scale - the anatomical differences between species of trees and compares the differences to a reference sample or database. At the macro level, a simple magnifying glass can be used; for more precise identification, the investigator might turn to a high-resolution microscope. The technique has been在巴西部署了很大的作用。

这些努力正在不断发展,包括计算机援助。这 ”xylotron由美国森林服务部开发的,正在通过在微观木质幻灯片的图像上使用类似于人类面部识别软件的算法来锻造木材解剖结构的新边界。该方法中的力量来自系统比较数千个图像以基于微妙的诊断特征来识别物种的能力,这些特征很难用人的眼睛识别。

基于DNA的分析has great potential as a method for accurately identifying both species and origin of timber specimens, and even individual trees.

DNA-based methods do, however, face some remaining technical challenges. First, it is still relatively difficult to reliably extract useable DNA from wood products that have been mixed with other species, or have been heat-treated, exposed to glues, or otherwise processed. Second, the diagnostic power of the genetic characteristics, or “markers,” a researcher has identified varies among different kinds of trees. The Quercus (oak) genus, for example, is characterized by a high level of hybridization between species, reducing the reliability of genetic markers to help determine species and origin of specimens.


Several technologies rely on analysis of the chemical properties within the wood sample:

稳定的同位素analysis is a method where investigators analyze isotopic ratios, a sort of atomic signature which trees absorb from the surrounding water, air and soil. These ratios are indicative of specific regions on the earth, allowing a researcher to identify the origin of a wood specimen. While the granularity varies, innovative developments employing chemometric analyses and the addition of rare earth and trace elements may soon lead researchers to finer-scale origin identification.


In some cases, a combination of these techniques may be the most effective approach. For example, an investigator could use DART-TOFMS to identify the chemical signature of a specific tress species and couple that data with stable isotope information providing the isotopic signature of the tree’s origin.



These difficulties aren’t insurmountable. In fact, before fingerprinting became a ubiquitous tool for crimefighters, it faced similar challenges. With support and investment to develop and field-test these technologies further, the use of these “rainforest CSI” tools could become just as commonplace—and effective in fighting crime--as fingerprinting.

Much of this information came out of discussions at a recent workshop, Development and Scaling of Innovative Technologies for Wood Identification.在这里了解更多.