
Nearlyhalfof all greenhouse gas emissions in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) are the result of land-use change, forestry, or agriculture. Between 2001 and 2012, the region损失了3600万公顷of forest and grassland to agricultural expansion. Latin America now holds at least2亿公顷退化的土地,主要是由于不可持续的农业实践。

因此,有一个明确的解决方案来遏制LAC地区的气候变化 -必威官网是真的吗恢复生活to its degraded landscapes.

那就是那里倡议20x20comes in, a new partnership between governments in Latin America, WRI, theInternational Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), theTropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center(catie),International Union for the Conservation of Nature(IUCN)和私营部门投资者。该倡议旨在改变该地区土地修复的动态,并最初着重于将2000万公顷的退化土地带入2020年。“mosaic”of trees, crops, and livestock. So far, seven countries—Chile, Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru— and two regional programs, Bosques Modelo and Conservacion Patagonica, have already committed to restore just over 20 million hectares of degraded land, with private sector investors earmarking US$365 million to finance their efforts.

经过restoring degraded land to natural forests or mixed agricultural systems and by directing agricultural expansion to already degraded lands, Latin America and the Caribbean can significantly reduce its land use-related emissions, making it feasible to contribute to global climate stabilization goals. Planting new trees and allowing trees to regrow naturally can sequester carbon dioxide, while more effectively using already degraded landscapes for agriculture can avoid further deforestation. Plus, restoration can产生其他重大好处,例如提高水和土壤质量,提高粮食安全,改善农村生计以及保护或恢复生物多样性。



Ecuador is one of the first countries to join Initiative 20x20, where the Ministry of Environment created a new program to restore half a million hectares of degraded land to forests. The program, called Socio Bosque, works by providing monetary incentives to farmers to restore and protect forests on their property. The process, which will occur over many years, will sequester carbon, increase water quality, preserve biodiversity, and provide a new source of income for the landholders from the government. Although a small country, Ecuador has more than 7 million hectares of land with restoration potential, and the country could increase its domestic target following a successful Socio Bosque program.


Mexico has nearly 40 million hectares of degraded land with the potential to be restored. Much of this land lies in the southern half of the country, and can be restored to a mosaic landscape.
Mexico has nearly 40 million hectares of degraded land with the potential to be restored. Much of this land lies in the southern half of the country, and can be restored to a mosaic landscape.


  1. Inspire national commitments to restoration by engaging in a robust dialogue with Ministers of Agriculture and Environment in the region;
  2. 通过评估恢复和避免森林砍伐的社会福利来提出经济案例;和
  3. Establish a financial mechanism that allows private sector impact investors to fund restoration projects

墨西哥将把850万公顷恢复目标的大部分集中在改善农业土地上,其中许多土地从密集和不可持续的做法中脱颖而出。这些土地可​​以用树木和可持续农业,例如农林业或silvopasture。农林业mixes trees with croplands, improving fallow and reducing erosion. Silvopasture, on the other hand, combines trees with livestock grazing lands, which increases tree cover; provides animals with shade, shelter, and forage; and ultimately increases household income for the farmers because they can sell the trees as timber or fuel wood. Mexico will have ample opportunity to continue restoring degraded landscapes after reaching its initial target, with nearly 40 million additional hectares potentially suitable for some level of restoration.


Twenty million hectares is just the beginning for restoration in Latin America and the Caribbean. This initial goal helps to establish the importance of addressing the dynamics of land degradation in the region, and hopefully, will lead to larger, more ambitious targets in coming years.