生态系统退化是对全球生计和可持续发展的主要威胁。栖息地丧失increases the risk大流行,使我们想起了人类与自然的复杂而微妙的关系。尽管Covid-19的起源尚不清楚,但这是一场危机,继续影响人类的健康,生计和全球经济,并威胁要威胁overturn decades of development gains

对于非洲,当然是正确的。在埃塞俄比亚和各地撒哈拉以南非洲,,,,vast informal economies mean dependence on hourly or daily wages. Many of these jobs ended with the introduction of pandemic-related restrictions and curfews. Consequently, even though infection rates and deaths in this area of the world remain comparatively low, COVID-19 led to the region’s first经济衰退在25年内,可能仍会造成更大的经济损害。正在进行的大流行也继续加剧现有的不平等并可以推动3900万more Africans into extreme poverty. In Ethiopia, GDP growth this fiscal year is expected to be4%lower than the pre-crisis baseline, and afood security crisislooms. Ethiopia’s position as最佳经济在非洲及其在减贫方面的重大进展可能会受到威胁。

虽然大多数发达国家正在发起large fiscal stimulus packages为了从大流行中恢复,对于中低收入国家来说,这更困难。在服务和社会保护不足的背景下,这种反应应解决健康和人道主义紧急情况,同时投资于更强大,更可持续和韧性的发展道路。这包括创造就业机会,生产食物,并保护许多社区以及经济体依赖的景观,森林和淡水生态系统。恢复道路基于自然的解决方案have strong potential to be a win-win response for both livelihood security and sustainable development.




根据领先的经济学家,投资自然资本以工作形式,经济增长和气候利益的形式提供了一些最高价值。必威官网是真的吗学习展示与传统的“灰色”基础设施或煤炭或天然气等行业相比,对栖息地恢复和可持续农业的投资可以产生更多的就业。因此,许多人有关于决策者“绿色”大流行恢复包:在United Kingdom,,,,conservationists urged the government to pursue restoration in order to generate 25,000 jobs, whileNew Zealand旨在通过环境部门创造11,000个新工作。相比之下,River Basins & Green Areas Agency亚的斯亚贝巴(埃塞俄比亚首都recently announced埃塞俄比亚的野心创造12,000个绿色工作国家森林部门发展计划仅凭就可以创造超过630,000个全职工作。

People planting trees in a field in Ethiopia.

许多恢复计划埃塞俄比亚已经存在,并显示了扩大绿色投资的潜力。政府的旗舰乡村发展计划,Sustainable Land Management Program (SLMP),支持小农实施土壤和节水措施并使生计多样化,以减少侵蚀,解决森林砍伐并提高农业生产力。迄今为止,该计划已涵盖200多个沃达斯(districts) across six regions, with the new phase expected to reach 3.2 million people. Even on smaller scales, restoration programs can reap continued benefits. Through theHumbo Assisted Natural Regeneration Project,,,,farmers from several community cooperatives restored more than 2,700 hectares of native forest, which in turn减少flooding and erosion on farms and boosted crop yields and local incomes.

最近,绿色遗产campaign aims to plant 20 billion tree seedlings by 2024, which, if done strategically, could use the country’s youth as a workforce and serve as an engine for employment and production. Green Legacy could be repurposed as a green pandemic recovery measure in line with examples from其他国家

Existing social protection or公共工程计划也可以将其重新校准作为共证响应。埃塞俄比亚的Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP)已经将临时创造就业与基础设施的发展和土壤保护措施联系起来。通过协调努力,PSNP帮助数百万人承受了不安全感并减少了环境退化。可以将更多的公共和捐助资金注入PSNP支持的修复项目中,并引入不同的地区,尤其是那些经历严重土地退化的人,以及来自城市的大量返回者。将更多的资金用于此类基于自然的计划,可以帮助埃塞俄比亚确保绿色,繁荣的经济复苏,以此为基础教训从过去的努力中。


一种lthough Ethiopia has relatively abundant water resources, its population struggles with水不安全感due to rainfall variability, limited water infrastructure, insufficient management capacity and watershed degradation.退化的分水岭降低土地生产率以及家庭和灌溉的当地水利用率。虽然干净的水是criticalto preventing the spread of diseases like COVID-19,33 million埃塞俄比亚人仍然无法获得改进的水源和89 million to改进的卫生

妇女和女孩从埃塞俄比亚阿姆哈拉地区的受保护的春季收集水。基于自然的解决方案可以改善水的数量,时机和可靠性,并帮助为埃塞俄比亚人提供清洁,丰富的水供应。照片由Kebede Lulie/饥饿的食物

The close linkage between healthy ecosystems and the water cycle means that forest and landscape restoration, coupled with better watershed management, can improve water supplies. Forests, for example, help调节降水和flow, improve aquifer recharge, and act as filters to keep contaminants out. In areas of Ethiopia’s阿姆哈拉Tigray区域,分水岭的再森林造林以及保护习惯增加了植被覆盖和地下水桌,扭转了退化和改善生计。一种学习from Gule watershed determined that crop productivity, water availability and fodder availability increased by 22%, 33% and 10%, respectively, after restoration, while household incomes increased by 56%.

The delivery of water-related生态系统服务,,,,such as erosion and flood control, can also encourage new partnership and financing models based on the idea that healthy watersheds provide valuable social and economic gains. This can help finance restoration, with好处flowing to upstream and downstream stakeholders.

生态系统健康和保护水源的饮用水对于提供清洁和丰富的供水至关重要。Nature-based solutions for water可以提高水的数量,时机和可靠性,并且可以是成本效益保护供水的解决方案。两者的战略投资green and gray infrastructure可能会减少埃塞俄比亚对诸如COVID-19的直接冲击和更旷日持久的冲击的脆弱性,例如气候变化。必威官网是真的吗

埃塞俄比亚的当地社区通过水收获技术和安装支票大坝恢复了退化的景观。乔治娜·史密斯(Georgina Smith/Ciat)的照片



But, rehabilitating landscapes and habitats can generate净收益价值数千亿美元。On-farm trees coupled with better management of soil, for instance, can increase crop yields and produce new non-timber forest products such as fruit and fodder. Landscapes that整合agroforestry(农场上的树)和silvopasture(牧场上的树木)已被证明有效地确保农场生产力和粮食生产。在埃塞俄比亚,一个学习highlights how coffee already contributes 5% of GDP and plays a crucial role in the livelihoods of more than 15 million people. However, if质量和一致性通过可持续产量保证了上等阴影种植的咖啡,由于价格上涨而产生的社会经济利益可能会更高,并且可能刺激更多的森林保护。

因此,恢复和保护计划可以帮助发展新市场,并增强在农村社区的收入多样化和提高收入的价值链。这有助于恢复农村经济,并为农民提供必要的激励措施,以继续可持续管理土地。与咖啡类似,其他森林产品可以为国民经济做出贡献通过外币收入。竹子例如,越来越被视为smartintervention由于它可以在提供高价值的出口产品(例如家具)的同时提供环境和生计利益。竹子为社区带来了收入,可有效地再生土壤,并且在几乎没有监督的情况下迅速生长。具有投资潜力的风景可以吸引恢复企业家,,,,agribusiness ventures and影响投资者- 在面对公共预算越来越大的压力时,尤其是紧迫。

为了充分利用这些机会,必须基于良好的科学和生物物理严谨,,,,和must consider a landscape’s multiple uses and用户- 为一个平衡between social, economic and ecological benefits.生长正确的树in the right location will avoid causing弊大于利while监视可以帮助衡量进度并确保幼苗生存。


The policy decisions steering a country’s recovery can shape its development path for years to come. Stimulus packages that prioritize quick financial returns长期可持续性需求are inherently risky and promote a false choice between growth, jobs and the environment. Economies simply will not recover on a failing planet.

生态系统的健康是实现非洲可持续发展的核心。振兴的景观在农村地区创造了机会,减少了长期以来的脆弱性并为气候变化增强了韧性。必威官网是真的吗幸运的是,许多国家已经通过联合国关于生态系统修复的十年和区域联盟AFR100, 但必须做更多的事情。在全球范围内,自然阳性解决方案可能会创造395 million jobs by 2030同时刺激增长并应对气候危机。必威官网是真的吗了解价值that ecosystems provide and the dangers of environmental degradation can reveal what is at stake, as well as the costs of inaction. A new discourse around theeconomic case for investing in nature可以刺激环境机构以外的行动。它还可以帮助激励计划和金融等政府部门将生态系统保护和恢复纳入COVID-19响应计划以及整体发展策略。

Indeed, nature must be seen as a core pillar of recovery. Its loss is not solely of environmental concern. It puts human health, livelihoods and economies at risk.