A new学习在日记中自然explores a vicious cycle: as a changing climate driven by greenhouse gas emissions warms the planet, soils heat up and the micro-organisms that live in the soil start to expel heat-trapping carbon dioxide, reinforcing the problem of climate change.

对来自世界各地的土壤碳排放的49项经验研究的分析表明,全球可预测的模式。到2050年,地球可能会看到从土壤中释放出的二氧化碳,尤其是在较高的纬度中。这种土壤 - 碳反馈通常以前已被排除在全球碳预算的计算中 - 我们可以负担得起的碳的上限量,以便保持行星变暖在2摄氏度以下的机会 - 因为不够理解。这二千万吨大约等同于美国规模大小的排放,代表了我们在全球碳预算下发射的二氧化碳不到1000亿吨的很大比例。这预期的后果从地球的进一步变暖中,土壤构成了非常真正的威胁,即破坏这种广泛接受的目标,并强调竭尽所能解决气候变化驱动因素的重要性,并最大程度地减少全球温度的升高。必威官网是真的吗

Landscape restoration is one way to respond to these alarming findings.Two billion hectares of land worldwide- 49亿英亩,一个大于南美洲的区域已经成熟了土地修复。恢复退化和非生产性的土地回到森林中,农林业或其他生产和健康的系统为人们和地球都提供了一系列利益,包括帮助抵消,甚至防止土壤碳排放量增加。有三种方法可以实现这一目标。

1. Put Photosynthesis to Work

As deforested and degraded lands are restored, the regrowth of trees, shrubs and grasses removes carbon from the atmosphere通过光合作用。Well-managed natural forests, woodlands and tree plantations in Malawi have about每公顷30吨碳(每英亩16-20吨)。恢复农林鱼形成还考虑了碳的大量库存。

2. Improve Land and Soil Management

As plant cover increases,土壤有机物增加。Trees and plants add leaf litter and root biomass, which补充土壤碳储备。损失大量碳的农业土壤可以通过一系列可持续的土地管理和恢复实践来恢复。例如,在马拉维,continuously growing the same crops on the same land has reduced the amount of carbon in the soil and cut crop yields and fertilizer efficiency. The systematic inter-planting of legumes, promotion of agro-forestry systems, mulching and conservation agriculture is helping to rebuild soil carbon and to improve food security.


降低土壤表面温度(从而降低微生物呼吸)的另一种方法是增加树覆盖的密度。在布基纳法索(Burkina Faso),农艺师鲍勃·曼(Bob Mann与裸露的地面相比,树木阴影区域的土壤表面温度显着降低。以下图表显示,在阴影和未阴影区域,Oursi村的温度差异很大。从清晨的温度大约相同的温度开始,到清晨和午后的阴影区域较冷。

除了减少热吸收排放外,还原植被丢失或耗尽了土壤健康和景观生产力,这增加了农作物的产量和牲畜的饲料,bolstering food security。Improved land management, through restoration, reduces rainfall runoff and flooding, regulates stream flow and helps to secure water supplies. Oftentimes farmers and communities are able to generate extra income through improved agricultural yields and the sale of non-timber products. Restoration can also help to combat desertification, conserve biodiversity, reduce disaster risk and increase the resilience of rural communities to climate change.

Editor's note: the AFR100 infographic has been updated.