
现有的卫星技术,例如全球森林观察(GFW), relies on remote sensing algorithms that detect the percentage of tree cover in each pixel, rather than counting the number of trees within. When tree cover is below a certain threshold, the methodology used by GFW has trouble seeing those trees. As a result, this technology is best-suited for measuring tree cover in dense forests where thousands of trees are packed closely together.

但是,这种方法可能会错过树木覆盖稀疏的干燥森林,农场和其他地区的树木,这使得在这些景观中衡量变化变得更加困难。考虑到这些区域比地球土地面积的40%,,,,neglecting to count their tree cover is a missed opportunity. This has serious implications for rural communities, which often rely on these trees outside forests for their livelihoods.

Though satellites have difficulty detecting trees outside forests, the human eye can. Collect Earth — a data collection tool developed bythe Open Foris initiativeof the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) that pulls imagery from Google Earth — uses the power of our eyes to visually analyze the imagery and collect data on land cover (type of land, like “forest”), land use (how people use that land) and tree cover at different points in time. By matching a high-tech tool with the low-tech but accurate human eye, local stakeholders can harness the power of this tool to see where billions of trees are growing in landscapes around the world — and where land is under restoration.

世界资源研究所(WRI)和粮农组织必威官网手机版的研究人员正在与数十名政府,非政府组织,学术机构和地方社区合作,以帮助国家和地方组织,政府和农民自己生产自己的可行数据。一个新出版物,一起映射:使用收集地球马拉松监测森林和景观修复的指南,,,,shows how communities, governments and mapping experts can take advantage of this tree-counting method.

Monitoring Land Restoration With Collect Earth Mapathons

Since 2015, teams across El Salvador, Ethiopia, India and Rwanda have held participatory mapping workshops, which we call Collect Earth mapathons, to produce local data for monitoring restoration. Armed with the high-quality images from Google Earth that allow people to see objects as small as half a meter (about 20 inches), the teams recruited local residents to identify the different physical features of the landscape in a collection of sample plots.

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For each session, the teams recruited participants and met in a facility with the capacity and internet connection to host the event. Once trained, participants could analyze 50 to 80 plots per day, depending on the length of the survey and the amount of data to be collected. Then, analysts added up the results from each participants’ plots, creating accurate data for an entire landscape (or country). After the initial counting, the teams compared the identified land cover with the number of trees counted. For example, if a local participant counted just three trees in a large plot, but later categorized the same plot as a forest, the researchers knew there was human error and could correct it.


In Sodo Gurage district, the Ethiopian government used the program to report on progress toward the local target of reaching 19% forest cover by 2020. The data showed that forest cover increased from 7.5% in 2010 to 8.1% in 2015. This indicates a positive trend that falls short of the target, helping local leaders understand that they needed to tweak their approach and accelerate their effort.

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在印度的西迪地区进行的一座马普拉松与当地农民,学生和其他社区成员合作,以确定在健康的土地上存在树木覆盖物,农田已经在恢复的地方,种植更多的树木可以在环境和社会上使人们受益。使用这些数据,参与者提出了恢复政府和其他合作伙伴的理由 -$19 million opportunity通过一个计算。现在,他们开始更快地恢复更多土地。

Local Restoration Data, Local Benefits


Tapping into local knowledge of the landscape doesn’t only improve the quality of the data and maps. When local people see how Collect Earth data can help them evaluate the health of their landscape, they are more likely to invest resources to update the data on a regular basis, even after trainers and NGOs leave the landscape. Local data can also help global researchers better understand which restoration types and approaches work in which ecosystems.




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Mapping tree cover is just the beginning. Experts can customize the program to match local contexts, especially in unique ecosystems such asNiger’s tiger bush。它还可以帮助展示不涉及种植树木的恢复技术,例如挖掘雨水收集沟渠和重新培养的草原,正在改变景观。

一个在线版本of Collect Earth, under development, hopes to further democratize access to the program. There’s also a promising possibility for new machine learning techniques that use data collected from mapathons and develop comprehensive maps of these trees outside forests withartificial intelligence models。这种方法可以为恢复项目和整个景观提供高质量,准确的基线数据,然后帮助他们跟踪随着时间的推移进度。


阅读更多信息Mapping Together: A Guide to Monitoring Forest and Landscape Restoration Using Collect Earth Mapathons