The home of Marliane das Chagas Soares, in the interior Amazonian community of Juruti, in Para, Brazil, seldom lacks tasty treats. Several types of cakes, cookies and desserts frequently grace the family table.

They are all delicious, but they are all made from the same main ingredient: cassava, also known as manioc or yucca. It has, for some time, been the only crop grown in this area. That makes for a less-than-nutritious diet.

Recently, that has begun to change. With help from WRI Brazil, Soares’ household, along with 21 other families in Juruti, shifted their farm away from cassava-only cultivation towards a system known as agroforestry. Agroforestry—which involves integrating trees and shrubs into farming systems—can diversify farmers’ crops by adding fruit trees and other edible plants on fields.




Most of the rural population uses fire to clear land for agriculture, a technique they call coivara; in English, it is known as slash-and-burn.

请注意,库瓦拉(Coivara)燃烧的朱拉蒂(Juruti)附近这片土地上的方斑块。Joana Oliveira/Wri Brasil
请注意,库瓦拉(Coivara)燃烧的朱拉蒂(Juruti)附近这片土地上的方斑块。Joana Oliveira/Wri Brasil

A cleared area will produce cassava for two or three years. After that it is abandoned, and the farmer moves on to a new area.






Native trees ready for planting. Joana Oliveira/WRI Brasil
Native trees ready for planting. Joana Oliveira/WRI Brasil





People are vital too. Communities, corporations, government agencies, and individuals all influence the outcome of a project. Understanding these actors’ needs, motivations, and relations is crucial to a successful project.

WRI approached members of the Juruti community to learn more about the social landscape focused on agroforestry. We initially convened conversations with men and women together. But women let their male partners lead these conversations. In order to represent the input of women in a more balanced manner, researchers split men and women in two different groups, creating an environment where women could share their opinions more comfortably. This approach revealed that women had access only to second-handed information sources on farming and restoration (such as information from neighbors or the church), while men tended to get information in primary sources (such as official, governmental rural assistance).

Women basically did not have the information they needed to implement the roles they held in the transition to agroforestry.

These roles are important. Many farms are led by women, especially when men work away from the farm for wages. Additionally, women are the ones who travel into the Amazon to gather the seeds necessary to plant native species. Juruti is not close to other villages, making this travel dangerous; floods posing a risk that is magnified by the fact that women often do not have access to the Internet, where they might obtain up-to-date meteorological information. Getting this information to women in a different way would be a boon to restoration efforts that hinged on native species.

As the social landscape mapping uncovered, women get their information from very different sources than men, tending towards secondary and word-of-mouth sources such as elders, children and the church. To reach women, restoration advocates need to include more than just the publications men were reading in their outreach efforts.

Production Without Deforestation

Marliane Das Chagas Soares和她的丈夫。Joana Oliveira/Wri Brasil
Marliane Das Chagas Soares和她的丈夫。Joana Oliveira/Wri Brasil
咨询过程的发现帮助弗里·巴西森林团队建立了下一个项目的阶段:21个家庭将参加飞行员农林业项目。选定的家庭中有14个由妇女领导,该团队通过研讨会和其他活动为她们提供了技术支持。Wri Brazil雇用了一家农林业的佩特拉·特拉(Petra Terra),根据每个家庭的需求来建立农林业设计。

有了这一支持,2019年初,Soares的家庭种植了一个根据principles of agroforestry. Where cassava was once the only crop, the demonstration hectare mixes crops and forest. They planted native trees, including paricá, cumaru (also known as tonka) and even rosewood (used in perfumes), as well as fruit trees, such as açaí, cupuaçu — a tropical rainforest tree fruit related to cacao — and banana.

"My goal is to show people how to produce without deforesting. We want to take this work to other farmers," said another project leader, Fatima de Melo Lima, smallholder farmer and the president of the Rural Workers Union in Juruti.

例如,Soares家族希望继续生产木薯,并制作其美味的传统糕点和蛋糕。但是农林业使他们能够多样化他们的产品。谁知道 - 将来,家庭餐桌可能会有Açai,Cupuaçu和Amazon和Cassava旁边的其他各种果实。