Climate change affects贫穷和边缘化的社区首先和最艰难。这些效果现在正在发生 - 不在遥不可及的未来。

特别是在城市中,缺乏获得基本服务的机会,不可持续的城市发展的悠久历史以及政治排斥,使城市穷人成为最脆弱的群体之一,例如洪水,山体滑坡和干旱等极端气候事件。必威官网是真的吗然而,策略的重点是减少这些人的脆弱性,经常必威官网是真的吗overlook crucial differences in their needs and situations.

As urban growth skyrockets and climate change effects multiply, municipal officials and governments must take steps to prepare cities for detrimental impacts. Identifying communities’ diverse needs through participatory processes can help officials target resources, mobilize action quickly and lead to more effective urban climate resilience.

Measuring Community Resilience

新的WRI纸,Stronger Than the Storm,介绍了城市社区的弹性评估(UCRA),该评估是一种计划工具,旨在帮助城市衡量各种气候弹性需求。必威官网是真的吗WRI与市政府和当地合作伙伴合作,在巴西的七个贫困城市社区中驾驶UCRA:里约热内卢的两个,五个在阿雷格雷波尔图。阿雷格尔港(Porto Alegre)和里约热内卢(Rio de Janeiro)都应对气候风险,必威官网是真的吗fatal floodingand unequal urban growth. Both are members of the100个弹性城市(100RC)网络,使他们能够develop urban resilience strategies。In Rio de Janeiro, we applied the UCRA tool in Morro da Formiga and Morro dos Macacos. In Porto Alegre, we tested UCRA in the communities of Cel. Aparício Borges, Partenon, Santo Antônio, São José and Vila João Pessoa.

UCRA measured resilience with a set of indicators identified through workshops in both Brazilian cities. These indicators consider resilience through a place-based approach: a person’s immediate environment shapes his or her resilience, as do his or her social ties to that environment, which are captured by indicators in the Vulnerability Context and Community Resilience aspects. An individual’s own perceptions, behaviors and habits also inform resilience, which is captured by indicators in the Individual Capacity aspect.


After we collected 400 UCRA household surveys in each city, the results provided useful insights and guidance into how cities can better allocate and target resources to strengthen climate resilience in these communities. Three key findings arose:

1. Focus on Urban Planning and Services


In Morro dos Macacos, for example, the assessment found that inadequate urban waste collection services caused waste dumps to pile up, block urban drainage systems and lead to more frequent floods during heavy rains. Residents revealed in workshops that a waste-picking scheme that previously employed community members had been suspended, despite its effectiveness in managing local waste.

Here, UCRA helped identify the need to reinstall the community waste-picking scheme, but in greater collaboration with the local community. This solution leverages local knowledge, experience, and willing community collaboration to increase community resilience to extreme climate events.

2. Measure Social Networks by Strength, Not by Size

Researchsuggests that strong social cohesion在社区中,是气候弹性的积极驱动力。必威官网是真的吗在UCRA的社区弹性调查中,几乎所有社区都表现出强烈的社区依恋感,居民说他们以名字认识了很多邻居,并且具有强烈的社区身份感。但是,这并没有转化为邻居之间的牢固关系,因为许多人没有通过电话交谈或定期见面。

The residents of Morro da Formiga also indicated that the community didn’t engage with local governance or neighborhood associations – activities that are useful for organizing and leveraging important communication channels with municipal government to prepare and respond to extreme climate events. As a result, local governance and social cohesion were not being leveraged enough to help build more climate resilience.

3. Improve Communications and Training

Individual capacity to deal with climate change in urban poor communities tends to be low, even in communities where city governments have invested in climate resilience infrastructure. In Morro dos Macacos, where Early Warning Systems against heavy rains were installed in 2011, few residents had registered for the mobile phone alert system (which sends out an SMS in case of a call for evacuation) or participated in resilience training courses offered by the city’s Civil Defense.



Katerina Elias-Trostmann是Wri Brasil的前改编专家。她目前在英国国际气候融资中担任森林和土地使用经理。必威官网是真的吗