I was “on location” last week in Paris at the商业& Climate Summit,来自商业和气候政策的领导人聚集在一起。必威官网是真的吗在开幕全体会议上,我从UNFCCC执行秘书克里斯蒂娜·菲格雷斯(Christina Figueres)的Statoil and Carrefour首席执行官中听到,来自弗朗索瓦·霍兰德(Francois Hollande)总统等。



There are four main elements, which will be finalized at the COP 21 climate summit in Paris later this year:


  • Demonstrate your company’s leadership by agreeing to set雄心勃勃的温室气(GHG)减少目标并加入其他人做出大胆的气候承诺。必威官网是真的吗联盟喜欢我们的意思是生意, representing multiple NGOs and business leaders, have established a core set of actions that will define corporate leadership on climate change. It includes pledges to set GHG reduction targets in line with climate science. Other actions from We Mean Business include putting a price on carbon, purchasing 100 percent renewable energy, eliminating deforestation from supply chains and more. Sign up to as many as you are able ofthese climate leadership goals

  • Ensure that your company’s climate actions are formally recognized.确认您的承诺和倡议已包含在纳斯卡气候行动平台上。必威官网是真的吗这个在线平台正式认可非国家参与者的气候贡献,同时鼓励各国创建和支持雄心勃勃的INDC。必威官网是真的吗向业务和政府领导人展示雄心勃勃的气候行动是可以实现的。必威官网是真的吗

  • Connect members of your company’s board and C-suite with heads of state and other global leaders to urge climate action.在接下来的几个月中,人们将越来越关注气候变化和业务作用。必威官网是真的吗为您的公司的领导力提供谈话要点和平台,以在国际或国家舞台,媒体或您自己的活动和出版物中公开表达您组织的气候立场。必威官网是真的吗

  • 大厅负责任地,以实现有效的气候政策。必威官网是真的吗The political influence of business will take on additional importance and receive additional scrutiny in the coming months. Do you have a climate policy position? Do you know how your trade groups are representing you on the issue? Take a主动和负责任的方法, and ensure that your company’s direct conversations with government, together with the trade associations that represent you, demonstrate your commitment to progress on climate change.

  • Join working groups with others seeking to create and commercialize low-carbon solutions.来自全球的商业领袖认识到,他们需要共同努力,以扩展支持建筑物,气候智能农业等能源效率的技术。必威官网是真的吗参与其中之一Low-Carbon Technology Partnerships initiative’s工作组并为将于12月作为行动议程的一部分在巴黎提出的结果做出贡献。


You will find a helping hand among a number of NGOs who are working in close collaboration to advance these initiatives. WRI is involved in many of them.了解更多关于我们和合作伙伴正在帮助公司采取行动的特定领域。