C40城市市长峰会南非在约翰内斯堡今天开始。这是第五届双年展会议C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group,来自世界各地城市的市长集合致力于推动城市解决方案来推进气候变化。必威官网是真的吗该活动的主题是“朝着弹性和宜居的大城市发展,示出了行动,影响和机会。”世界资源必威官网手机版研究所由总裁兼首席执行官安德鲁·史特尔(Andrew Steer)以及WRI的总监Holger Dalkmann在C40代表EMBARQ程序。

Before the talks begin, check out Steer’s thoughts on how we can learn from forward-thinking cities to advance sustainable urbanization. And be sure to check back later this week when we’ll explore key takeaways from the Mayors Summit.

In the late 20th century, Times Square in the heart of New York City was best known for its neon lights, traffic jams, and seedy bars. Today, it has been transformed into one of the most innovative and people-friendly areas of any urban landscape.

In fact, over the past decade, New York City itself has become not only a center for business and entertainment, but an iconic symbol of sustainable urban planning. In 2007, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, backed by a world-class team, launchedPlanycto shift the model for the city’s growth. They sought to increase revenues while cutting pollution and increasing resilience to climate change.

结果令人印象深刻:纽约有cut its carbon emissions by 16 percent below 2005 levels,到2030年目标的一半。他们增加了可持续运输的使用,包括安装超过300英里的自行车道和启动美国最大的自行车股计划。同时,该市降低了空气污染,减少了交通事故和死亡。纽约人的预期寿命已达到纪录。



In exploring these questions globally, it is clear that New York is not alone. In fact, many cities in emerging economies are proving that they can embrace a vision of becoming a sustainable city. They, too, can turn the vision of a sustainable city into reality.

城市: Creating Solutions, not More Problems

已经,half the world’s population生活在城市。每年将增加7500万人的城市地区。在亚洲,非洲和拉丁美洲,将见证这种增长的大部分,它们是许多最迅速新兴经济体的家园。今天,城市采取的方向将成为未来几十年可持续性的决定因素。

At their worst, cities can be a major drain on resources. Urban areas with large populations and voracious consumption patterns consume energy and water, and create waste. Cities producenearly 70 percent全球温室气体排放。在发展中国家,城市忍受80 percent与气候变化相关的成本。必威官网是真的吗


当今许多最宜居的城市(例如新加坡,温哥华或旧金山)汇集了紧凑的设计,低排放和绿色空间,以为人和星球创造健康的环境。精心设计和连接的城市更有效和宜居。解决诸如交通拥堵,空气质量不良,缺乏体育锻炼和废物管理等问题可以帮助降低健康成本,降低碳排放和捕获甲烷。反过来,这些提供了关键的共同利益 - 缓解气候变化。必威官网是真的吗这些城市是增长的经济引擎,吸引了最聪明的思想并打开创新之门。

While no one would argue that shifting the direction of a city is easy, there are clear advantages to starting early. Developing countries, therefore, have an advantage because they can leapfrog over traditional development models and embed sustainability into their plans from the start.

城市must be part of the solution, not just add to the problem.

这evidence is overwhelming that this is possible. For more than a decade, the必威官网手机版(WRI)一直在研究城市问题,尤其是在运输周围,以满足世界城市人口的需求。通过我们的EMBARQprogram—which has seven centers around the world—we have helped improve urban design, cut carbon pollution, decrease road fatalities, and save commuters time and money. WRI is also working to develop low-carbon economic growth models for cities. We are currently road testing aGreenhouse Gas Protocol为了帮助城市社区衡量和管理其排放量,已经有60多个城市已经在使用它。我们还在努力识别和绘制水风险,并确保人们获得清洁,可靠的供水。

Following are some examples that offer clear, practical urban solutions drawn from our on-the-ground projects. Together, they offer key lessons for creating sustainable cities of the future.



LESSON: Leadership Is Essential to Create a Common Vision and Enhance Coordination.

在中国,没有比中国更引人注目的城市过渡。到2030年,221 Chinese cities will have at least one million residents。同时,该国的第12个五年计划强调可持续的城市发展。该国的城市中心正在寻求将其快速增长与国家可持续性优先事项调和。

To that end, WRI has been working with several cities in China todevelop "sustainability blueprints"—plans to create environmentally sustainable and livable cities. This project, which was catalyzed with support of the Caterpillar Foundation, aims to test approaches in several key “pilot” cities and scale them up to national and international levels.

这coastal city of青岛, in eastern Shandong province, is one such city. WRI has helped to map a “sustainability blueprint” for the city of about 8.5 million people. Our three-phase approach aims to: first, diagnose problem areas in land use and transportation planning; second, develop feasibility studies and solutions that can be incorporated into the city’s transport policy agenda; and third, disseminate these lessons to other growing cities in China.


通过我们的experience in Qingdao, it has become clear that coordinating among multiple agencies can be a challenge. Getting buy-in from local leadership is essential. One helpful approach has been to seek greater intervention from the city mayor who is, more often than not, best positioned to coordinate the various synergies for a project’s overall success. The mayor, for example, has been able to initiate a top-down planning mechanism to break down the silos among different government departments. City mayors can also help to clarify the allocation of responsibilities among government departments, as well as create performance tracking and feedback mechanisms to hold different departments accountable. These smooth out what was previously a haphazard approach.


LESSON: Create Success and Others Will Follow.

库里蒂巴, in the south of Brazil, is often cited as one of Latin America’s most livable cities. Jaime Lerner, the former mayor of Curitiba (and a WRI Board member), has argued that with the right leadership, vision, and communication with constituents, a city official can radically shift a city’s trajectory. He achieved such success in Curitiba.

勒纳市长为绿色城市树立了真正的创新愿景。在1970年代初期,这座城市采用了一个“总体规划”,提出了一个强大的愿景和方法,可以专注于人。该计划超越了运输,包括城市设计,废物管理和其他生活质量问题。该市因其综合运输和土地利用开发而闻名。例如,库里蒂巴(Curitiba)(被称为公共汽车 - 比拉式运输(BRT)的发源地)实施了一个低成本,复杂的系统,公共汽车在自己的车道上行驶。大致该市70%的通勤者now use the BRT to get to work.

这city’s success has catalyzed a greater uptick in sustainable urban planning throughout Latin America. The BRT model initially implemented in Curitiba is now being used in 56 cities in Latin America—a third of the cities in the world with bus corridors.


BRT的发展还帮助吸引了整个拉丁美洲的可持续运输系统的额外投资。巴西,墨西哥和哥伦比亚等国家已经实施了国家计划,以提供所需的财务和技术运输能力。这EMBARQ center in México一直在实施Protram,这是一项大众运输资金计划,该计划支持墨西哥的34个城市。




我们的专家一直在与官员紧密合作班加罗尔Metropolitan Transport Corporation(BMTC) - 该市唯一的公共汽车运输服务提供商,以改善运输系统和城市设计。作为印度最大的公共交通运营商之一,BMTC的6,500辆公共汽车的车队每天运送约500万辆客车,占该市所有机动旅行的42%。

我们在印度的团队一直在帮助开发城市范围内的高频连接网格(班加罗尔市内电网(大型)公共汽车网络)在整个过程中提供研究和技术支持。预计Big Bus网络将提高班加罗尔的城市巴士服务质量,并将补充其他基础设施升级,包括:新的转会设施,集成的票价,简化的路线编号,更好的乘客信息系统和统一的品牌。



2013年9月16日,BMTC在Hosur Road上建立了最初的62辆公交车,启动了大型公交网络。飞行员走廊已经improved transport servicesfor its 53,000 daily passengers, shaving commuters’ average wait times by 56 percent.

A second major reform will be the creation of suburban “feeder” routes, connecting peripheral destinations to the BIG Bus Network. When fully rolled out across the city, the BIG Bus Network will positively impact an estimated 2.5 million passengers by 2016. The network’s early success is already making an impact on other cities, with Ahmedabad, Chennai, and Mumbai planning to follow Bangalore’s example.

Bringing Sustainable Cities to Life

城市are “living organisms,” as Professor Geoffrey West has said. Leaders must respond accordingly. If done right, the rewards--for leaders and their constituents—are great. Looking beyond the big picture, implementing the nuts and bolts is critical for success.

Going back to New York, strong leadership and a clear vision are absolutely critical. From Qingdao, we find that consolidation among agencies is essential. From Curitiba, we learn how a powerful model can scale up sustainable strategies elsewhere. And from Bangalore, we find that collaboration at various levels can bring consensus for reform. Across all of these examples, it is clear that sustainability cannot be merely a short-term idea. It takes time and commitment to see real change. And finally, it is essential to adapt over time.

At a time when progress at the international level is moving too slowly, there is considerable hope in cities. Strong and determined city leaders can respond to constituent needs quickly and take meaningful actions. Their success can help improve the lives of millions of people—and create momentum for sustainable growth around the world.

Editor's Note: This post最初出现as part of UNEP’s Climate Leader Papers.