A version of this blog postalso appeared在开放政府合作伙伴网站上。

The urgent imperative of tackling climate change is rarely associated with the dry science of budgeting and fiscal policy—but it should be.

With theconclusion of the Paris Agreement去年12月,许多庞大的国家(包括中国,印度,墨西哥和美国)做出了减少温室气体排放的重要承诺,以及在提供提供的国家方面$100 billion in climate finance a year by 2020in order to help poorer nations mitigate and adapt to climate change. Increasing funding for both adaptation and mitigation is crucial to tackling climate change and for promoting low-carbon, climate-resilient development. However, while most of the focus so far has been on increasing the scale of climate finance, less attention has been placed on two important components of adaptation funding—effectiveness and transparency.

Tracking Where the Money Goes


如果这些系统没有适当的管理,沟通和监控这些财务流量,那么在最坏的情况下,脆弱的人和国家的经济将成为气候变化不利影响的受害者。必威官网是真的吗缺乏有效的系统和可靠的数据,通过故意滥用资金为腐败创造了机会。预算系统薄弱,通过资金分配或未能确保将预算分配用于其预期目的而导致效率造成损失。当将资金传播到预算中时,这种风险甚至更大,因为确保透明度和监督的范围较弱。Wri有recently partnered随着联合国资本开发基金的发展系统,以跟踪适应融资的弹性益处,该基金会在预算中传送给当地社区。

一个相关的挑战在于确保适应措施的支出大量增加转化为实地可持续投资。研究by WRI and partners under the适应财务问责制倡议highlights the paucity of data on budget allocations for climate adaptation. Many developing countries lack systems to account for how they’re spending existing adaptation finance, making it difficult to track investments and monitor financial flows at the local level. National budgeting systems are ill-equipped to perform this basic function.

The lack of information on budget flows for adaptation makes it hard for citizens and independent monitoring groups to know whether funds are being used for their intended effect and reaching the populations that need the money most. In Zambia, for example, monitoring groups found that communities were not aware of a planned dam project until it broke ground. The national and local governments had not consulted communities to determine the best use of funding to help them adapt to chronic drought. In the end, the dam caused major disruptions and displacement, and only benefited a very small share of the local population.


透明度对于通过在公共领域中提供预算信息并吸引公民参与预算决策来确保使用气候融资的责任。必威官网是真的吗令人鼓舞的是,我们开始更多地了解全世界国家的预算过程和透明度。像Open Budget Survey(OBS)由国际预算伙伴关系(IBP)赞助,是全球对国家政府预算透明度,公众参与和监督机构的全球评估的第五轮。尽管有19个国家在预算透明度上得分良好,但调查发现,许多政府都在预算透明度承诺上回溯,并且“世界上绝大多数人口没有足够的访问预算信息”。对于那些容易受到气候变化影响的国家,这一发现尤其令人担忧。必威官网是真的吗

Opportunities for public participation in the budget process also remain limited. The OBS reports that “meaningful opportunities for the public to engage in the formal budget process simply do not exist in the vast majority of countries.” This is consistent withfindings from WRI researchin Nepal, Philippines and Uganda concerning the difficulty local NGOs face in accessing budget information on climate finance to track spending commitments on the ground.


But within these troubling findings lies an opportunity. With新的巴黎协定, the world will see more climate finance than it ever has before. Efforts to improve budget transparency can help to improve the accountability of governments in the allocation and use of these funds. For example, planned outlays in climate action should be published in government budget statements, and the information made available to the public online. Consultation with local people on investment decisions for adaptation will improve engagement and understanding of these priorities. Without such measures, increased funding will not bring about the positive impact we expect for poor people and less developed countries.