The shale gas revolution, which began nearly 10 years ago in the United States, is poised to spread across the globe. For many countries, shale gas could strengthen energy security while cutting emissions.


本周,WRI发行了Global Shale Development: Water Availability & and Business Risk,提出黄旗的首个报告:一系列与水相关的挑战可能会限制六大大洲的页岩资源开发。三个国家有助于讲述复杂的故事:中国,阿根廷和英国。

China: Shale Rich, Water Stressed

China is already the world’s largest energy producer and consumer. It has the world’s largest technically recoverable shale gas resources, but those resources are located in areas of highest water stress. Over 60 percent of Chinese shale resources are in areas of high to extremely high baseline water stress or arid conditions. The government and energy companies are already grappling with the issue. Last week, China’s two largest energy companies upgraded their forecasts for shale investments, even as the Chinese government halved its shale gas production targets earlier last month. As the world’s largest greenhouse gas emitter, the country’s shale resources could be a key to addressing climate change, but its water concerns must be addressed.


Argentina is South America’s largest natural gas producer and consumer, and possesses the world’s second-largest technically recoverable shale gas resources. With low to medium stress over 72 percent of its shale resources, competition for water is less concerning to Argentinian plays overall. However, 28 percent of the resources are in arid areas, so the country will not entirely escape water-related constraints if shale development progresses. A partnership with Chevron helped more than triple production in a shale basin called the Neuquén from last year to this year.




This water-shale energy trade off poses significant social, environmental and financial challenges. And over time, competition for water as well as public concerns over hydraulic fracturing will likely increase as shale development expands internationally and global temperature and precipitation patterns shift.

每个考虑页岩开发的国家都将共同关注获得淡水的关注点,但是重要的是要考虑使每个人都独一无二的本地因素。全球页岩开发还评估了其他8个国家 /地区的页岩发挥的水量,要么开发页岩资源,要么最有可能在未来开发它们:阿尔及利亚,澳大利亚,加拿大,墨西哥,波兰,沙特阿拉伯,南非,南非和美国。

What Can Companies and Governments Do?


  • 在决定开发页岩作用之前,请评估您的水风险,以了解当地的水利用率并降低风险。

  • 披露所有与水有关的信息,并与当地监管机构,社区和行业合作,以在所有相关团体之间建立信任,同时减少监管不确定性和声誉风险。

  • 让企业参与公共水政策流程,共同努力保护重要的供水源,并制定水管理计划,以帮助保护其他用户的稳定供水。

  • 建立一个业务案例,以最大程度地减少淡水使用,并从事企业水管理,以减少对水的影响。可以使用广泛的工具来最大程度地减少用水,包括制定水策略并遵循水管理指南。


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