令人惊讶的是,许多建筑社区,今年的享有声望普利兹克奖went to智利建筑师Alejandro Aravena。尽管该奖项(通常被视为诺贝尔建筑奖)提出了标志性摩天大楼或博物馆的图像,但Aravena最初因其公司与The The The The The The Works的合作而成名Quinta Monroycommunity, an affordable housing project that took a novel “incremental” process to house 100 families.

The award underscored the importance of affordable housing. An estimatedbillionhomesare currently needed in order to meet the world’s demands for urban housing. While traditional affordable housing solutions have either focused on government-created social housing—which is frequently expensive and oftentimes边缘化社区(或从事私人生产的社区)具有满足城市贫困需求的惨淡记录 - 阿拉维纳(Aravena)的项目以及其他类似的项目证明还有另一种方法。一种“渐进”方法,即随着时间的流逝,城市穷人参与缓慢建造自己的房屋,可以降低住房成本,同时为社区成员在设计住所时有发言权。


Designing for Incremental Growth in Chile

在2002年,Chile Barrioprogram, a national initiative led by Chile’s Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning, contracted Aravena’s firm,元素,找到一种方法来重新建立一个居住在北部沿海城市伊奎克一个贫民窟定居点的100个家庭的社区。政府将以每个家庭7,500美元的价格补贴住房费用,居民可以继续生活在同一5,000平方米的地区。

Through community engagement and planning workshops, Aravena达到这个主意of taking an incremental approach, building only the physical foundations, walls, stairs, kitchen and bathrooms of the homes. These components comprise the half of a house that’s typically the most difficult for a family to provide for themselves. Families could then incrementally design andbuild随着时间的流逝,其余的房屋。

智利的Quinta Monroy项目。pontificia大学摄影

该计划使阿拉维纳(Aravena)的团队能够成本效力建造房屋,居民获得了一个更稳定的生活场所,他们可以自定义自己的喜好。有些人甚至能够租用额外的房间并发展为家庭的生计,而孩子们则享受着新的开放空间来在家前玩。该项目被誉为成功,确保社区成员既没有疏远也没有流离失所,也没有流离失所。reportedlyexceeded $20,000 within a year.


Community-led Planning in Thailand

Thailand’sBaan Mankong Program还通过分散的社区主导的过程提供渐进住房的课程。该计划由社区组织发展研究所(CODI)于2003年启动,将少量但灵活的政府补贴和贷款指导到社区级的贷款和储蓄集团,并非常重视包容性的集体流程。这些居民领导的团体从社区的所有成员那里收到意见,决定如何投资这笔钱 - 从重建或升级各个房屋以重新封锁或重新搬迁整个社区。此外,Baan Mankong计划在需要的情况下提供政府工作人员,社区建筑师和计划者的技术和财政支持,使居民能够满足复杂的任期安全需求,土地再分配,改善住房,服务提供等。

With control in the hands of residents and flexible financial support, the collective process at the heart of Baan Mankong has allowed communities to build larger units at half the cost of hiring a contractor. Within five years, the program had engaged more than 1,000 communities in hundreds of cities and towns, and as of 2014 had达到近100,000户家庭

Informal settlement beneath the freeway in Bangkok, Thailand. Photo by Micheal Coghlan/Flickr

Recognizing the Incremental Approach As Part of a Greater Housing Policy

这些计划说明了一个核心课程:赋予居民对住房建设和资金的控制可能是满足住房需求的有效解决方案。作为housing researcher John Turnernoted as far back as 1972, “The satisfaction of housing needs by central institutions is an impossibility for governments with very small budgets and faced with rapidly growing masses of people with very small incomes.”

While this kind of approach certainly can’t serve all urban residents—projects can take longer than conventional social housing efforts, and can be constrained by the level of public sector support they receive—any inclusive housing policy should at least consider resident-led, incremental processes.

This topic will be further explored in the forthcoming可持续城市的世界资源报告(WRR),这将分析城市如何在经济上变得更加繁荣,在环境上可持续和社会公平。