必威官网是真的吗气候行动通常集中在能源和工业活动上,但必须包括运输部门以保持全球变暖以下two-degree scenario. Transport is responsible for22 percent全球与能源相关的温室气(GHG)排放量,其排放量是以更快的速度增加比其他任何部门。

On top of that, transport infrastructure lasts for decades, so the decisions local and national governments make today will have long-lasting impacts onurban development and form, as well as climate. We know that we need toavoid, shift, and improve– avoid the need for motorized travel, shift trips to the most sustainable mode, and improve existing technologies and systems. But the need remains for a strong political signal to shift market forces toward a sustainable, low-carbon development pathway.

Next week at the UN Climate Summit in New York City, leaders from business, national government, and cities will convene to discuss bold actions to address climate change in various sectors, including transport. And while climate change is an international challenge, climate action in the transport sector is proven to create significant and immediate development benefits at thenational and local levels.



Implementing low-carbon transport options can create multiple economic and social development benefits, in addition to reducing emissions. These local benefits include improved air quality, safer streets, and poverty alleviation.

Outdoor air pollution was associated with370万过早死亡2012年,汽车中的燃油燃烧负责多达75%的城市空气污染. Improving fuel technologies and shifting passengers to more sustainable modes like公共交通,walking, and bicyclingcan both improve air quality and lower carbon emissions.

Beijing, for example, heavily restricted the use of motor vehicles when it hosted the 2008 Olympic Games, with residents instead relying on bicycling and public transport. These efforts not only decreased CO2 emissions by anywhere from26,500至106,000吨each day during the event, but also屈服a 50 percent reduction in asthma-related doctor visits and a 31 percent reduction in PM2.5 particulate matter, a main culprit of respiratory illnesses.

减少城市运输部门的排放也可以创造有吸引力的就业机会并加强当地经济。考虑哥伦比亚波哥大,城市TransMilenio巴士快速运输(BRT)系统已将运输排放降低几乎减少250,000 tons of CO2自2000年以来,每年都会贡献1,900 to 2,900permanent jobs.

How Can World Leaders Achieve Climate Action in Transport?

即使存在经过验证的解决方案来遏制运输部门的排放,它们也需要基本政策和财政支持的转变to favor sustainable, low-carbon transport projects. Public sector资金优先have historically expanded infrastructure benefiting personal vehicles, while the private sector has invested in transport systems. Global transport investment currently averages betweenUS$1.4 and US$2.1 trillion each year, but the多数of these funds go toward “brown,” carbon-intensive transport projects.

国际气候金融可用于资助“绿色必威官网是真的吗”项目 - 全球气候融资的估计涵盖所有部门总数$359 billion. Public climate funding sources only comprise approximately百分之十的十分之一of total global investment in the transport sector. In order to make climate finance truly transformational, these funds must be increased and used more有效率的.

Leaders must be open to policies that turn the tables on urban sprawl by routing planning away from the unsustainable, auto-centric development already emblematic of many parts of the developed world. One such tool is transit-oriented development (托德),政策制定者可以用来将低碳运输系统与可持续土地利用开发相结合。


Setting the Stage for Bold Action in the Transport Sector

下周的气候峰会是一系列事必威官网是真的吗件的关键一步,这将决定世界如何面对气候变化,最终与联合国的21stsession of the Conference of the Parties (COP21)2015年12月在巴黎.

预计公共部门和私营部门领导人将通过扩大公共交通的使用,更高效的铁路运输的使用以及加速的Urban Electric Transport的加速来采取“在纽约大胆的行动,以减少与运输相关的温室气体排放。with公告on:

除了在峰会当天进行官方运输讨论外,WRI ROSS可持续城市中心和itsembarq可持续运输的倡议将参加以transport sector’s evolving role in the climate agenda和theinnovative actions cities have taken变得更加可持续。

在正式峰会程序期间的两次会议将介绍如何实现这一低碳,可持续发展的途径 - 专注于城市和transport respectively. We expect Climate Summit leaders to recognize the urgent need to make a long-term commitment to develop policies and shift funding toward sustainable, low-carbon transport alternatives. Together, they can reduce emissions, achieve development goals, and support economic prosperity.