U.S. states, cities and businesses are an essential part of the response to the global climate crisis – and their role is ever more crucial as the Trump administration moves to pull the United States from the historic Paris Agreement.


In the two years since the current administration announced it would withdraw from the agreement, states, cities, businesses, universities, and others have joined coalitions supporting the Paris Agreement, includingWe Are Still In, 这美国气候联必威官网是真的吗盟, and必威官网是真的吗气候市长。Today, these subnational climate actors represent65%根据美国人口和68%的经济America’s PledgeInitiative.

这rise of these leaders tracks with a growing American consensus: 71%say他们希望联邦政府对气候变化做更多的作用,而67%的人表示这将对经济和就业产生积极影响。必威官网是真的吗

Most importantly, the growing momentum for climate action has brought an impressive array of new legislation and concrete measures that will be necessary to make good on aspirational climate pledges. Hawaii adopted the first full carbon neutrality target in 2015, and California, New York and Maine have recently followed. In all,23个州and the District of Columbia now have mandates to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. These mandates are backed up by actions across economic sectors.


该区域温室气体倡议(RGGI)有望生长,该倡议限制了9个东北州发电厂的二氧化碳排放。新泽西州将在一月份重新加入第十个州,预计弗吉尼亚将在2021年加入。Pennsylvania’sgovernor recently signed an executive order to develop rules to join the initiative, which will make Pennsylvania the first major fossil-fuel producing state to join. To further accelerate the transition to cleaner energy, California, Nevada, Washington, Maine, New York, New Mexico, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico have joined Hawaii in enacting 100% clean electricity legislation. Most of them have set their targets for 2040 to 2050, with preliminary targets along the way. Combined, they make up16%美国的电力需求。包括新泽西州,佛蒙特州和马里兰州在内的其他州已经设定了到2030年左右的50%或更干净的电力。

In the transportation sector, Colorado recently adopted California’s zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) mandate requiring automakers to achieve minimum levels of electric vehicle sales through 2025. With Minnesota and New Mexico also planning to join, 13 states representing over 30% of vehicle sales in the U.S. will have ZEV mandates.

这se state-level actions are reinforced by commitments from cities and businesses. According to a Sierra Club report,138cities have committed to 100% renewables — up from 58 cities in 2017 — including Chicago, Cleveland, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Philadelphia and St. Louis. At least43电力公司现在也有脱碳目标。其中包括Xcel Energy(旨在到2030年到达2030年,到2050年,碳含100%的煤炭)和国家电网,其目的是在2050年到2050年减少80%的排放。仅这两个公用事业公司就为超过500万客户提供服务。气候市长必威官网是真的吗的电动汽车采购合作,该公司将利用美国主要城市的购买力削减成本并消除使公共交通舰队电气化的障碍,现在拥有157个城市,县和其他公共实体作为会员。自2017年6月以来,已有107家公司设置或承诺设置基于科学的目标to reduce their emissions in line with the Paris Agreement.

Federal Rollbacks Threaten U.S. Climate Progress


A case in point is what’s happening in California, where the state has been allowed to set vehicle emissions standards that are stricter than the nation’s, as allowed by the Clean Air Act. The current U.S. administration is trying to lower national standards and revoke California’s right to have its own. However, California and four major automakers representing30%美国市场份额have agreed on a deal继续改善燃油经济性;15个州have now formally joined or have announced their intention to join California’s vehicle emissions standards. This is the type of cooperation the federal government should be supporting.


这se moves are making a real dent in emissions and compensating — to a degree — for federal backsliding on climate. However, to truly tackle the climate challenge, the federal government and subnational actors will need to work in harmony to promote clean energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Instead of withdrawing from the Paris Agreement, the United States should be recommitting to international climate efforts and building on the promising steps taken by states, cities, and businesses across the country.

America’s Pledge Initiativewill release new research at this December’s COP25 international climate meeting to show how a re-committed federal government after 2020, building on what subnational actors have done, could get the United States back on track to meet the long-term goals of the Paris Agreement.
