UPDATE August 7, 2017:

Last week the United States submitted a letter to the UNFCCC restating its intent to withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change while mentioning the possibility of “re-engaging” with the Agreement. While the letter serves no legal function, it reinforces President Donald Trump’s June 1 announcement about withdrawal from the accord. As with Trump’s earlier proposition about “renegotiating” the Agreement, the meaning of “re-engaging” is unclear. The United States can’t announce a formal intention to withdraw until November 4, 2019 and can’t actually leave until a year after that. Before then, the U.S. might be able to act constructively on a climate issue such as transparency. But, as WRI President and CEOAndrew Steer在他的statement,“许多美国国家,城市和企业以及世界其他地区都明确表示,无论白宫做什么,他们都在采取气候行动。”必威官网是真的吗


When President Donald Trump announced on June 1 that he had decided to withdraw the United States from the historic Paris Agreement on climate change, he made mysterious and unclear comments about the possibility of "negotiations to re-enter" the Agreement. What was left completely unaddressed was what exactly Trump had in mind. What, specifically, did he want to renegotiate, and how?

This uncertainty was underscored when Trump, after his recent meeting with President Macron of France,关于重新输入协议的说法说:“如果发生这种情况,那将是很棒的,如果不这样做,那也没事,”隐性地总结道,“我们将看到会发生什么。”

It's hard to know what to make of these comments, or whether Trump himself even has a plan in mind. But here's what we do know: Since taking office, Trump has consistently undermined environmental and climate protections, including by appointing opponents of climate action to key positions. And climate sceptics and deniers outside the Trump administration have cast doubt on Trump's intention to renegotiate the Paris Agreement. Myron Ebell of the Competitive Enterprise Institute called the President's position just cover, "公关练习."



The Paris Agreement was the result of two decades of negotiation aimed at reaching a global climate agreement that would stand the test of time. This Agreement brought all countries on board, while also providing them the opportunity to set their own "nationally determined" targets and actions. This universal approach notably includes requirements for an enhanced framework for transparency that applies to all countries, an approach which was sought by both Republican and Democratic administrations over many years.

Not only is getting consensus on a whole new agreement impractical, consensus from the Parties to the Agreement would be needed on any changes to the Paris Agreement provisions at all. A former environment official of the George W. Bush administration, Jim Connaughton, who represented the U.S. in international climate talks, has even said, "巴黎没有什么可以谈判的."

Immediately after Trumps' announcement in June, France, Germany and Italy allannounced他们不会重新谈判该协议。在这两个方面G7G20, the remaining members of each group made clear in the summit communiques that they view the Paris Agreement as irreversible.

不仅有富裕国家的感觉。例如,非洲环境部长级会议(AMCEN)也于6月reaffirmed their commitmentto implementing the Agreement and urged Trump to reconsider the decision to withdraw.

Aside from the impracticality of renegotiation, the world has made clear that it is moving ahead with the Paris Agreement regardless of what Trump does.

The World's Willingness to Listen to the US on Climate Has Shrunk Dramatically



各国已经开始了谈判实施《巴黎协议》的详细指南 - “实施指南”或“规则手册,“将在2018年底之前在COP 24上完成。美国已经严重损害了此过程的谈判表中其信誉。(因为美国不能提交其正式通知,即直到11月4日,2019, they’re still able to engage in the rulebook process.) Any efforts to weaken or undermine the Agreement through this rulebook process would surely be looked on askance by other Parties given that President Trump has already announced that the US is leaving the Agreement and has ceased working to implement its nationally determined contribution (NDC).

总而言之,特朗普总统重新谈判《巴黎协定》的主张是令人难以置信的。此外,特朗普本人没有迹象表明政府有任何特定的想法。在他采用清晰的新课程之前,特朗普的评论使这里真正发生的事情分散了人们的注意力 - 对气候行动的攻击和国际合作以应对这一全球挑战。必威官网是真的吗

然而,与此同时,美国公众 -城市,国家和企业- 不是闲着,而是承担了填补总统要离开的空白的挑战。全世界的国家正在努力执行其巴黎承诺,以便我们可以实现《巴黎协定的长期缓解目标》并增强对气候影响的韧性。必威官网是真的吗