海洋经济为全球经济贡献了1.5万亿美元以上的价值。lossof $1.9 billion for international shipping carriers alone. Coastal communities were hardest hit, with an估计的由于旅游业的下降,在小岛发展中心的GDP中,GDP的74亿美元下降。基于海洋的部门与土地经济体之间的联系意味着这些影响在整个经济中都具有经济和社会影响。


一种new report由高级面板为可持续的海洋经济委托,通过提议从Covid-19的经济复苏的路线图来帮助解决这一差距,以利用海洋经济的机会,并确保投资有助于促进前进的可持续海洋经济,从而有效保护有效保护的,以保护有效保护,以保护有效的保护海洋生态系统,可持续生产和公平的繁荣 - 本质上是“可持续和公平的蓝色恢复”。

Blue Stimulus: 5 Priority Opportunities For Investment





Recommendation: Governments should establish national funds or commit to public funding for restoration projects while accelerating policy and regulatory reform to ensure high protection and effective management for long-term economic benefits.

2. Invest in Wastewater and Sewerage Infrastructure For Coastal Communities



Recommendation: Governments should commit public funding for the development of wastewater treatment and reuse facilities in coastal communities and sanitation treatment and services.


Community-led initiatives aimed at developing self-supporting shellfish and seaweed farming (e.g., not reliant on external feed and with minimal environmental impacts) can provide diverse economic opportunities through multiple products such as meat, pearls, poultry grit and construction material from shellfish and biofuels; plastic; and feedstocks for seaweed. Investments in the sustainable production of ocean-based protein can support the growing demand for food and global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.



Using stimulus funds to invest in zero-emission marine transport will create jobs and protect roles for existing workers through transferable skills, while increasing the health and prosperity of those living and working near ports and on vessels. Recent分析表明,用于脱碳的投资国际海上运输部门可以在30年(2020-50)中提供1.2万亿美元至9万亿美元的净折扣收益,而2050年的福利成本比率为2:1和5:1。

Recommendation: Governments should offer public investment, subsidies, tax cuts and government loans to incentivize private sector investments to upgrade, update or replace vessels.


海洋-based renewable energy could help meet the growing global energy demand while reducing the use of and dependency on fossil fuels and, in turn, global greenhouse gas emissions. The expansion of this industry would also result in job creation and the preservation of roles previously held in offshore oil and gas industries through transferable skills. Recent分析建议在30年内估计收益的净现值为3亿至6.8万亿美元,用于扩大海上风能生产,收益成本比为2:1和17:1。


Blue Transformations: Building Blocks For Long-term Economic Recovery

While these blue stimulus measures address immediate short-term needs by focusing on job creation, there is also a need for investments to address long-term economic recovery. Through systemic change and pivotal infrastructure projects, measures like:

  • 投资于刺激创新和新技术的研究和开发(例如,用于海洋运输的零发射燃料或芬鱼海养殖的低碳饲料选择)。
  • Establishing regulatory reform to provide an enabling environment for a sustainable ocean economy (e.g., comprehensive integrated ocean management and marine spatial planning processes and shift harmful subsidies to more sustainable and equitable uses).
  • Stimulating public/private partnerships for a blue transition, which can provide long-term resilience and sustainable progress (e.g., support port authorities to transition to ‘blue ports’ and port reception facilities or incentivise cold storage capacity through access to affordable credit).




  1. 捕鱼行业的数字化促进可持续的渔业管理和结束非法,未报告和不受监管的捕鱼(例如,船舶的注册;数字可追溯性,以提高透明度并增强监测,控制和监视;以及电子监测和电子监测和报告)。
  2. Disclosure of ocean data to inform decision-making (e.g., greenhouse gas emissions of domestic fishing and other vessels, and financial disclosure of alignment with ocean sustainability).


The solutions for recovery will differ for each country, but it is critical that the ocean gains greater prominence as a key ally in national and international economic recovery efforts. We must use this critical juncture to shift from business as usual to reset and build the sustainable ocean economy for the future.