本文最初出现在Thompson Reuters FoundationandZilientwebsites.

Despite the central role food plays in all of our lives, we let a great deal of it go to waste. About one-third of all food produced in the world goes uneaten each year―a fact that harms our climate, costs the global economy billions of dollars and strains natural resources like water and land. Given the enormous impacts, it’s clear why the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals issued Target 12.3’s call to halve food waste and reduce food losses by 2030.

But with 13 short years to go, is the world doing enough?

根据new reportfrom Champions 12.3, the progress is promising. Countries or regional blocs that have set specific food loss and waste reduction targets cover an estimated 28 percent of the world’s population. At the same time, nearly 60 percent of the world’s 50 largest food companies have set targets to reduce food loss and waste. More than 10 percent of the 50 largest companies also now have active programs to waste less food.

Meanwhile, initiatives have taken off in the European Union, United States, Japan, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and in other countries that expand public-private partnerships, government policies and consumer campaigns aimed at reducing food loss and waste.


这些最新的数字引出了一个问题:到2030年,世界是否真的可以减少全球粮食损失和浪费?答案是肯定的 - 但是,只有更多的政府和公司设定了雄心勃勃的目标,衡量这种效率低下并采取行动来减少粮食损失和浪费。在我看来,有三个需要集体方法的直接挑战。

首先是消费者参与的重要性。在英国,我是for a number of years, we successfully worked with the government to help households cut their food waste by 21 percent over five years. That’s a huge achievement.




第三个将推动真正的行动,而不仅仅是兴趣和意识。我们知道有一个strong business case for action。还有一个道德上的命令,我知道这对私人和公共部门的许多领导人都很重要。很难不感到多么惨淡的是,超过10亿吨的食物未食用,而营养不良的人有近8亿吨。最终将有所作为的是大胆的行动。正如新报告所指出的那样,这意味着大型球员以及从农民到消费者的所有人都有数百万的行为。
