

Demonstrators marched past the White House as part of a climate strike in September.
信用...Nicholas Kamm/Agence France-Presse - Getty Images
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Kathleen McLaughlinand

Ms. McLaughlin is an executive vice president of Walmart. Mr. Steer is president of the World Resources Institute.

特朗普政府本周宣布将遵循其计划to officially withdraw巴黎协定的美国是不幸的。离开协议将阻碍美国的经济竞争力,并使世界各地的美国人和人民面临与气候有关的灾难的更大风险。必威官网是真的吗

That’s why Walmart is one of over 3,800 American businesses, states, cities and other entities that have joined together in the coalitionWe Are Still In继续我们的努力减少温室气体排放,以实现巴黎协定的目标。这些实体共同占该国国内生产总值的近70%和其人口的三分之二。如果这个群体是一个国家,那将是世界第二大经济体 - 仅次于美国,但领先于中国。

Why is the Paris Agreement so important? Climate change is a global challenge that requires a global response. Although the commitments are voluntary, the agreement sets a clear course toward a low-carbon future, withnearly200 countries working together and playing by the same rules. The Paris Agreement provides the context for national and global policies in areas like agriculture and energy, which have direct implications for businesses with customers and suppliers around the world.

A decade ago, many people viewed climate action and economic growth as being in conflict. Now it’s clear that long-term growth and climate action are inextricably linked. For example, areportby the Global Commission on the Economy and Climate found that bold action on protecting the climate could generate over $26 trillion in benefits through 2030.

As climate impacts intensify, they are projected to become more costly. According to the recentNational Climate Assessment,,,,by the end of the century, warming at the current trajectory would cost the American economy hundreds of billions of dollars from crop damage, lost labor and the consequences of extreme weather. Similarly, the国家经济研究局found that climate change could cost the United States 10.5 percent in real income by 2100.




2017年,沃尔玛开始吉格顿项目,,,,which has brought together more than 1,000 of our suppliers in an effort toavoid emitting公司全球供应中的累积累积10亿吨的温室气体到2030年。另一个例子是Science Based Targets由世界资源研究所,联合国全球紧凑型和CDP领导必威官网手机版的倡议,该倡议与公司合作,为减少排放而设定雄心勃勃的目标。根据这项倡议,全球690家公司,包括美国的131家公司,已致力于设定目标,以减少与科学所说的那样,避免气候变化最严重的后果。必威官网是真的吗沃尔玛致力于实现这一目标。

We believe that businesses that embrace a high-efficiency, low-carbon model will have a better chance to survive and grow in the 21st century. Innovation is essential for any business, but especially in the face of the growing risks and uncertainty of climate change.


Without a rapid reduction in global emissions, backed by strong government policies and business strategies, more people will be in harm’s way. Increasingly people recognize these risks and expect companies to be part of the solution.


Kathleen McLaughlin是沃尔玛的执行副总裁兼首席可持续性官,也是沃尔玛基金会的总裁。Andrew Steer必威官网手机版,,,,a research organization focusing on the environment and development.

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