

But much more important, people will march tomorrow in a spirit of hope -- based on experience and analysis that there is a path to a better future across almost every area of economic activity, and evidence that around the world opportunities for this better future are being seized. Because of our work at WRI and with our many partners and supporters around the world, we are confident in these reasons for hope:

  • 我们知道,城市的竞争力可能更具竞争力,污染和宜居,比现在更容易居住。我们知道,城市不需要损失其收入的10%,再到污染的10%。我们受到鼓励,不仅仅是7,000 cities已经签署了市长的盟约,以做不同的事情。

  • 我们知道we can nourish more people by浪费少食物我们生产。我们知道恢复退化的景观can support communities and livelihoods, and absorb massive amounts of carbon from the atmosphere. We are encouraged that34个国家最近已承诺恢复3.65亿英亩(1.48亿公顷)的退化土地。

  • 我们知道,国家不必在健康的环境和健康经济之间做出选择。世界需要投资90万亿美元的基础设施从现在到2030年之间。我们知道,使这些投资的可持续发展实际上会降低,提高竞争力并有助于限制气候变化的最严重影响。必威官网是真的吗我们受到鼓励,不仅仅是240个主要全球公司致力于以科学要求的速度脱碳,而不是股市的短期兴起。

  • 我们也知道巴黎协议on climate change can help vulnerable communities around the world, and advance countries' strategic interests at home。If the U.S. chooses to engage constructively, it can bolster its strategic and business interests, while creating modern U.S. jobs and supporting the international action that most Americans want. The U.S. administration unfortunately is acting to扼杀气候动作必威官网是真的吗需要创造更健康的经济和星球。


As a leading environmental and economic research institute, WRI has for 35 years taken a rigorous, evidence-based approach to explore policies and actions to address climate change. WRI has one of the longest histories of any organization working on this issue, helping to organize one of the first major international meetings on climate change wayback in 1985。多年来,我们和其他许多人建立了大量证据,表明气候行动和进步之间的权衡是错误的。必威官网是真的吗有了正确的政策和现代领导,有一个更好的前进道路。
