巴黎关于气候变化的协议就不会是今天,如果没有来必威官网是真的吗自世界各地的坚强妇女的行动。Copcc CoP21期间的联合国开可没执行秘书克里斯蒂安娜·菲格雷斯(Christiana Figueres)花了数十年的时间致力于雄心勃勃且公平的最终文本。新任执行秘书Patricia Espinosa现在掌管公约的最高职位,并将负责监督该协议的实施。高级气候冠军大使劳伦斯必威官网是真的吗·图比亚纳(Laurence Tubiana)和部长哈基马·赫伊特(Hakima El Haite)将鼓励州和非国家行为者的气候行动,并具有特定的任务,以扩大妇女在UNFCCC进程中的声音。以及关于巴黎协议的临时工作组萨拉·巴山(Sarah Baashan)和乔·廷德尔(Jo Ty​​ndall)的联合主席,将为该协议的加入准备并召集其当事人的第一次会议,称为CMA1.

But as negotiators move forward with implementing this landmark climate agreement, it’s clear that gender equity still hasn’t fully permeated the climate talks. In 2015, the UNFCCC reported that female representation at COP20 amounted to approximately 36 percent of all national delegates and approximately 26 percent of all Heads of Delegations (a Party’s highest level of representation at the negotiations). At COP21,the Gender Composition reportby the Secretariat showed those numbers dropped to 32 percent and 20 percent respectively. At the same time, women受到不成比例的影响by the effects of a changing climate.

That’s a problem because gender equity and women’s leadership will be critical for implementing the goals of the Paris Agreement for several reasons:

  1. Women, especially poor women in developing countries,are often the most vulnerableto climate impacts as a result of social structures and existing inequalities. In fact, women and children are14 times more likely to die during natural disasterswhich are becoming more common as global temperatures rise.

  2. They alsoplay a significant rolein implementing climate action due to their role in providing energy, water and other resources for their families.

  3. Women are more likely than men to engage in environmentally sensitive behaviors, such as recycling, conserving water and using environmentally friendly products.

  4. UNDP’s2011 Human Development Reportfound evidence that when gender inequality is high, forest depletion, air pollution and other measures of environmental degradation are also high.

COP22 offers a number of opportunities to advance the role of women as agents of change in the climate community. COP22 will serve as a review moment for theLima work programme on gender, a decision mandated at COP20 in Lima to increase gender considerations in decision-making. The opportunity to formally take stock of gender-related activities will be an important moment to highlight gaps and opportunities towards fulfilling this mandate. Furthermore, there are several high-level events on gender that can provide a space for this important conversation with state and non-state actors in Marrakech. The Climate Champions will host Gender Day on November 14th to bring attention to their mandate for gender equality, and theWomen Leaders and the Global Transformation Summit,将于11月16日举行,为政治和商业世界中的领导人提供了一个机会,可以分享对未来的最佳实践,野心和想法,并突出女性成功案例。

Ever important will be the link to civil society, especially bridging from theWomen and Gender ConstituencyUNFCCC是一个民间社会团体的联盟,他们在谈判时说是一个声音。这些群体对于将国家和非国家行为者的野心和问责制推动到气候谈判内部的性别平等至关重要。必威官网是真的吗

With efforts now turning from negotiating the Agreement to implementing countries’national climate plans,我们希望妇女领导执行这些承诺的指控。现在,我们比以往任何时候都更加关注整个国际社会,以彰显公正和可持续的未来。