

一个月前Indonesia abruptly ended its $1 billion forest and climate partnership with Norway,而暂停palm oil concessions, first introduced in 2018, expired without plans for a replacement, sending mixed signals of Indonesia’s commitment to tackle the climate crisis.

但是,有一些有利的信号 - 2021年5月,国有公用事业公司Perusahaan listrik negara(PLN)也宣布它将phase out coal, 帮助为可再生能源铺平道路。More importantly, following a trial for an排放交易系统for coal-fired power plants, a carbon market in Indonesia appears to be emerging.

The government recently passed一项新法案改革税收结构,以减少该国为应对Covid-19的影响而采取的预算赤字。这些改革包括将碳税专门放在燃煤电厂上的计划,据报道至少为RP。每公斤302e, or $2.10 per ton of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e)从明年4月开始。

这是一个重要的开始,但比其他国家 /地区设定的碳税要低得多加拿大, which imposed $20 per tCO2e in 2019 and has announced a pathway to reach carbon prices of $136 by 2030, and much lower than what is needed to transition to a low-carbon economy. But it is somewhat on par with the initial price set by fellow Asian nation Singapore in 2019 ($3.69 per tCO2e).


New analysisfrom the Ministry of National Development Planning’s Low Carbon Development Initiative (LCDI) shows that “better” is within reach. The report’s scenarios demonstrate that achieving net-zero emissions as early as 2045 will not only deliver the most beneficial outcome for Indonesia’s people and economy, but is also entirely within reach.


零净经济体的GDP增长率将增加印度尼西亚的增长率,从2021 - 2050年的平均每年6.1-6.5%和人均收入较高。在世界银行的门槛下,到2045年,这将有助于印度尼西亚的突破成为一个高收入国家。从第一年起,它也将提供更多的工作,而印尼人的健康成果比目前的途径更好。

Transforming Indonesia’s economy to achieve net-zero means going beyond the green measures that are already underway and fully embracing a substantive low-carbon policy agenda, including system-changing green interventions in key economic systems. This will require shifts in existing investments as well as new financing. Investments and projects that encourage sustainable agriculture, food loss and waste reduction, the conservation and restoration of natural resources, renewable energy advancement, and energy efficiency will need to be significantly scaled up.




A reduction in polluting energy and transport systems would clean up air quality, which has been a major public health concern in Indonesia, to the point that thegovernment has been found guilty of negligence in a civil lawsuit



即使在全球大流行和经济危机中,印度尼西亚也有能力在本世纪中叶进行零排放。这并不孤单。相反,许多国家,公司和金融机构在本世纪中叶大约采用零净目标,甚至更早地采用零售目标,他认识到雄心勃勃的气候行动可以带来更好,更强大的增长。必威官网是真的吗截至2021年10月,66 countries accounting for 56.5% of global emissions have communicated a net zero target。这些气候领导必威官网是真的吗者,尤其是印度尼西亚等新兴经济体,以类似方式从零净干预中受益。

But the future that these net-zero scenarios from the Ministry of National Development Planning envision for Indonesia’s economy would require an investment of around $20 billion per year in 2021–2022 and average $150-200 billion per year in 2021–2030, according to the LCDI analysis. One approach to help with financing this transition would be through channeling the revenue gained from the combination of a carbon tax system and the elimination of fossil fuel subsidies — estimated to reach $168-215 billion by 2031 — toward funding low carbon initiatives. The revenues should also be allocated for social protection programs and green infrastructure to secure the co-benefits for a more just transition.

每个TCO $ 2.102印度尼西亚的电价打算在4月份申请燃煤电力是一个有希望的开始,可以帮助筹集急需的收入,但是该国应考虑大幅度增加它并在未来几年内扩大其范围,以使政府更加更好更好地建造印度尼西亚的能力。



政府可以在第一年通过实施净零措施作为其COVID-19恢复的一部分,在第一年开始实现这些好处 - 具有重大的刺激效果和创造就业机会。许多国家还抓住了大流行的前所未有的机会,以在不牺牲恢复的情况下跳动更绿色的未来。IFC研究found that in 21 emerging markets, including Indonesia, green recovery has the potential to generate $10.2 trillion in investment opportunities and 213 million jobs while also reducing emissions by 4 billion tCO2E到2030年 - 剩余的碳预算中的一百分之一,以使全球温度保持在1.5℃以下estimated by the IPCC in their latest report


有关更多信息,请参阅A Green Economy for a Net-Zero Future: How Indonesia can build back better after COVID-19 with the Low Carbon Development Initiative (LCDI)