在ACT2025 ACT2025播客的第五集中,我们听到了有关损失和损害的消息 - 气候变化的影响太严重,无法适应,国际社会如何并且必须如何支持受影响的社区和国家。必威官网是真的吗

Woman standing in house walls exposed to outdoors
Photo by ADP

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Yamide Dagnet,气候谈判总监,WRI必威官网是真的吗

“ [发达国家]需要表现出更多的同情心,并且还意识到找到解决方案,拥有更具解决方案的思维,而不仅仅是将这个问题推开,这符合他们的兴趣。损失和损害要留下来。”

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Saleemulhuq, Director of the International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ACT2025 partner)

“If you don’t care about poor people in poor countries, which is very clear … care about your own children and grandchildren. Because what you are doing or not doing is going to affect them very, very severely. And it’s in your hands, you’re the only generation that has the ability to leave the world somewhat better, or a hell of a lot worse.”

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Ineza Grace, Founder of the Green Fighter and Cofounder of Loss and Damage Youth Coalition



For the November COP26 climate summit in Glasgow, the stakes could not be higher: to prevent catastrophic climate change that will disproportionately affect low-income countries and their people. In the face of widespread climate impacts, some of the countries most at risk have strived to be as ambitious as possible with their climate action. But because the majority of major emitters and high-income countries are not making good on their commitments or finance pledges, climate-vulnerable countries face even greater risks in the future.



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Mima Holt,Nate Warszawski和Chikondi Thangata为这次播客的生产做出了贡献。