Just what is a sustainable ocean economy, and why should we get excited about it? That is the subject of the first in a relaunched series of WRI podcasts named “Big Ideas into Action.”

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About the Episode: The Sustainable Ocean Economy



This first episode of “Big Ideas into Action” looks at two of the special reports that were commissioned by theHigh Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy。第一个探讨了与投资海洋经济发现每笔投资1美元在海上风能,脱碳运输,可持续的海洋粮食生产以及保护和恢复红树林等地区都会获得至少5美元。

第二个关注海洋经济在支持全球复苏方面可以发挥的重要作用from the coronavirus pandemic.

How do these ideas translate into action? Who better to tell us than two governmental leaders, in the shape of the Prime Minister of Norway, and the President of Palau (representing two of the fourteen countries that make up the Ocean Panel). They explain how these papers are shaping their policies in two very different oceanic contexts.

Finally, we hear from one of our WRI colleagues about how growing up a few minutes away from the beaches of Hong Kong shaped her career decisions, in a new feature called “People of WRI.”

Longer versions of the interviews can be found on theOcean Panel’s Soundcloud page



曼西·科纳尔(Mansi Konar)“ 2050年可持续海洋经济的首席作者:近似其收益和成本”

“The benefits [of mangrove protection] are provided in terms of coastal protections, for instance protecting local people from storm surges and cyclones and sea level rise. They also provide important sequestration benefits from carbon mitigation. And they provide important nursery grounds for fisheries protections in local communities”

海伦丁, co-author of “A sustainable ocean economy for 2050: approximating its benefits and costs”


Eliza Northrop,“可持续且公平的蓝色恢复到19日危机”的主要作者

“We can’t just have a conventional view of looking at the oceans just for working against the challenges that we see with pollution in the oceans. We have to work on sustainable economic development, the interdependence between jobs creation and clean oceans. Making sure that these economies are functioning for countries is extremely important for us.”

Erna Solberg, Prime Minister of Norway

“All over the world the ocean economy, ocean workers and coastal communities have been severely impacted by the Covid-19 crisis, and we have been impacted likewise. There is an opportunity here in new stimulus packages and international funding support, to put us on a course towards more equitable, resilient and sustainable ocean economies. Blue recoveries go hand-in-hand with green ones.”

Palau总裁Tommy Remengesau Jr



Read the latest research from the Ocean Panel
