New platform connects millions of dollars to projects that grow trees the right way

Tree planting was at the top of the international agenda in early 2020 when the World Economic Forum announced the万亿棵树倡议,努力保护和种植足够的树木来应对气候变化并改变农村经济。必威官网是真的吗许多其他公司和资助者也在努力种植全球数千万棵树木。但是,种植树木还不够 - 以正确的方式种植树木,涉及吸引当地社区,为景观选择合适的物种,在种植后多年维护树木,衡量随着时间的推移的影响等等。今天,世界资源必威官网手机版研究所发布Terramatch帮助填补这一空白。

Terramatch是一个新的(beta)平台,它将资助者与项目正确种植树木联系起来。它结合了私营部门的投资,本地项目开发商的专业知识,以及数十年来以研究驱动的工作来恢复被森林砍伐和退化的土地。由WRI开发的Terramatch背后的方法已经将资金转移给了发展中国家的项目,创造就业机会并恢复了景观。在非洲和拉丁美洲的九个国家中,WRI将资助者与已开始增长超过超过的项目相匹配2 million trees在农场和森林中。

“ 2019年,世界热带地区的树木覆盖量比整个洪都拉斯国家都要多。这就是为什么WRI推出Terramatch的原因,Terramatch是一个将金融家与种植者相匹配的在线平台。”Andrew Steer, President & CEO, WRI. “We’re inspired by the strong support of corporate leaders who are looking to get their funds to the frontlines. With TerraMatch, we can accelerate landscape restoration and ensure it’s done the right way.”

There are many different ways to grow treesthe right way。People grow them in forests to protect biodiversity and water as well as store carbon; and on farms, where they boost crop yields and provide new sources of income. Along rivers, trees stop erosion from threatening water supplies; and on pasture, they provide food and shade for cattle.

What is stopping funders from growing millions of trees right now? They have trouble finding enough high-quality projects run by trusted implementers. They often don’t know which trees are appropriate for the landscape and will thrive for decades after they sprout. Some efforts do little more than plant seedlings without maintenance or monitoring. And some do not engage local communities effectively or address concerns they might have.

How does TerraMatchwork differently? WRI vets all projects and funders to create a serious community dedicated to growing trees the right way. Approved developers post project pitches onto the platform, reviewed by WRI, which contain key information on location, species of trees involved, historical survival rates of their trees, local benefits for people, their methods of restoration, and more. TerraMatch also provides a space for tree-growers to explain the true costs of their work beyond the simple act of planting. At the same time, funders post offers of their own, explaining what kinds of projects they hope to fund and how much they want to spend. Then, both parties search through the system and match, beginning a conversation that can lead to transformative impact.

在秘鲁亚马逊(Peruvian Amazon)中,Terramatch技术正在帮助当地的非政府组织Aider,农民种植了300,000多棵树,以保护Biodovere Tambopata National Reserve。他们共同在可可农场上种植树木,该农场存储碳,并为10,000多人提供可持续的收入来源。


And the opportunity to grow more trees is enormous. Through the Bonn Challenge, 63 governments have committed to restoring more than 173 million hectares of degraded land, and many countries are looking for financing for these projects. Partners of regional alliancesInitiative 20x20in Latin America and the Caribbean andAFR100在非洲,准备使用Terramatch来帮助履行其承诺。我们预计,在联合国十年中,在生态系统修复中开始生长数百万棵树木,帮助社区减轻和适应气候变化,并从恢复土地带来新的收入来源。必威官网是真的吗

Learn more about TerraMatch

"Governments have led the fight to restore the world’s degraded land by growing trees. In Malawi, we are already working with thousands of young people to transform our landscapes through the马拉维青年森林修复计划,“ 说Tangu Tumeo,马拉维政府林业和AFR100焦点部首席林业官。“ Terramatch将帮助我们与可持续的私人金融来源联系,这些私人金融可以扩展这项工作,创造就业机会,建立强大的农村经济并使我们的承诺成为现实。青年团体和整个国家准备出发。”

“为了按照所需的规模保护,恢复和种植森林,要求我们提高野心并更好地将公司领导人与造林社区联系起来。这是该使命的核心“, 说妮可·施瓦布(Nicole Schwab),联合导演,加速基于自然解决方案的平台和,世界经济论坛。“ Terramatch提供了一个重要的解决方案来启用这些连接”。

“与WRI和Terramatch合作为一棵树种植,“ 说Matt Hill, Founder and CEO, One Tree Planted. “We've funded the planting of over 2 million trees in Africa and Latin America through these partnerships, along with amazing local communities on the ground. And we're already committed to planting millions more in the next two years. It's all thanks to this great network of people doing good for the planet.”

