By 2030, cities will account for nearly three-quarters of world energy use. In most cities, buildings account for more than half of this consumption. But 75% of the urban infrastructure that will exist in 2050 has yet to be built, presenting a huge opportunity to shape more resource-efficient, healthy, low-carbon cities through better buildings.

The Buildings Initiative provides practical resources to help cities succeed with policies, technologies and innovative investment strategies to deliver better buildings, cleaner air and more efficient urban development.


2014年10月,WRI和Johnson Controls合并了Johnson Controls的建筑效率研究所WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities。建筑倡议是一项多年合作伙伴关系,建立在约翰逊控制的深层建筑效率专业知识和经验以及WRI成功广泛城市参与的往绩。


建筑计划的旗舰活动之一是建筑效率加速器,支持联合国所有人的可持续能源goal of doubling the rate of energy efficiency improvement globally by 2030.

The Initiative’s work also goes beyond energy efficiency to zero-carbon buildings and urban design. In 2021, WRI and partners launched the零碳建筑加速器在BEA上建立支持国家和次国政府,以通过协调的路线图和行动计划使他们的脱碳工作保持一致。

The Building Initiative collaborates with stakeholders across industries to accelerate broad systemic change of the building and construction sectors to ensure today’s development choices don’t lock in decades of high energy demand, air pollution, water use and carbon emissions, as well as transportation challenges and unequal access to opportunity and core services.

Photo Credit:Franck Michel/Flickr