

在迈阿密戴德县(Miami-Dade County),诸如《百万木倡议》(Million Trees Initiative)之类的城市树冠项目试图增加树冠覆盖范围,并为居民带来环境利益。

“迈阿密戴德县自豪地加入了Cities4Forest,成为佛罗里达州第一个参加这一至关重要的全球合作的社区。To help us achieve Cities4Forests’ ambitious objectives, our County announced ground-breaking news on April 30, 2021, including the appointment of the nation’s first-ever Chief Heat Officer, the creation of a new interagency Heat Health Task Force, and the launch of a Heat Plan – all building upon work of the new City Champions for Heat Action within the Extreme Heat Resilience Alliance. Expanding our tree canopy will improve lives and livelihoods by restoring our environment and reducing urban heat. The many steps toward these shared community goals include targeted tree planting and additional support for successful long-standing programs already in place, such as local government’s Million Trees Miami and our Adopt-a-Tree project, which to date has provided more than 215,000 trees for residents to plant throughout the County.”

-美国迈阿密戴德县市长Daniella Levine Cava,美国


虽然这可能令人惊讶,但佛罗里达州的阳光和阳光阵线实际上是世界上最受危险的森林之一 - 派恩·罗克兰(Pine Rocklands)。这个独特的树冠,也称为Pinelands,仅在岩石石灰岩地面上生长,在温暖的浅海下形成了数百万年前。如今,在迈阿密戴德县,只有大约2%的原始派恩罗克兰森林仍留在附近的大沼泽国家公园(Everglades National Park)的保护区之外。In addition to this endangered forest type, three other distinctive inner forests are indigenous to the region: the mangrove forests that protect South Florida’s coastline, the fragments of rare rockland hammocks that cool urban areas, and the tree islands within the wetlands that provide drinking water for the County’s 2.8 million residents and more than 20 million tourists each year. Rounding out the biodiversity of these inner forests are urban canopy projects, such as Miami-Dade’s countywide Million Trees Miami initiative, which aims to achieve a minimum of 30 percent tree-canopy coverage while also maximizing social, economic, and environmental co-benefits.

在过去的几十年中,积极主动的计划已取得了广泛的保护成功。迈阿密戴德县(Miami-Dade County)于1979年通过了一项森林财产税计划,并于1984年通过了一项监管森林保护条例,并于1991年制定了环境濒危的土地(EEL)计划,以获取严重的栖息地。鳗鱼项目现在管理着超过27,000英亩的环境敏感地形,其中包括1,632英亩的Pine Rockland,并进行了更多的收购。此外,合格的协议(称为税收契约)目前激励在私人财产内418英亩的自然区域上进行可持续管理。和地役权,是监管盟约,在685英亩的私人和公共森林中永久授权保存和明智的土地管理。

克里斯·诺伯格(Chris Norberg) / Unsplash的城市形象
