



-Bruno Suares Reis,市长,萨尔瓦多


自2013年以来,萨尔瓦多市已发起了几个项目,将这座城市转变为“巴西大西洋森林之都”,包括在该市创建了17平方公里的新保护区,并种植了60,000多棵当地树木。These projects strengthen the city’s commitment to urban forests by engaging citizens with planting activities through the Caravan of the Atlantic Forest, increasing the number of trees planted and making maintenance easier through Operation Planting in the Rain and increasing citizen’s awareness and green spaces in the city through the Planting Forests project.

在接下来的四年中,Reis市长的管理将制定计划,以促进生态系统服务,确保社区的可持续性,并通过创建新的绿色区域,建立生态走廊,扩大城市繁殖并增加城市森林地区来确保城市中的生态系统。These programs will include expanding the city’s “System of Environmental and Cultural Value Areas” and strengthen environmental and climate education in order to increase communities’ climate resilience and, at the same time, engage more residents and business leaders in the fight to preserve and maintain forests.

Felipe Dias / Unsplash的城市照片
