The impacts of climate change impose costs on society as a whole by increasing the risk of natural disasters that can lead to economic damage and worsening public health conditions. Pricing carbon can help factor those costs into decisions made by those responsible for the emissions, providing an incentive to reduce them.

Pricing carbon across the economy will make the goods and services with the greatest impact on climate more expensive. Higher prices for carbon-intensive goods and services will encourage businesses and consumers to look for alternatives that meet their needs and have lower carbon-emission footprints. In this way, a carbon price can help the United States meet its near- and long-term climate goals.

But a carbon price is more than a climate policy; it is an economic policy. Revenues raised by a carbon price can go toward supporting other policy priorities, including investing in communities affected by pollution, investing in clean energy, helping provide a just transition for communities dependent on fossil fuels or returning money to households.

WRI’s experts are diving into the design choices and potential economic effects of carbon pricing and the associated uses of revenues. This includes preparing a series of issue briefs and publications that provide guidance on effectively mobilizing a carbon price to address climate change.

In放一个Price on Carbon: A Handbook for U.S. Policymakers,WRI provides an overview of carbon pricing — the types of decisions that need to be made in designing a program, including the political decisions about the use of revenue, and the expected economic impacts of alternative approaches.放一个Price on Carbon: Reducing Emissionsdives deeper into how a national price on carbon would reduce emissions across key sectors of the economy using empirical evidence and real-world case studies.


放一个Price on Carbon: Evaluating A Carbon Price and Complementary Policies for a 1.5° World强调碳价格不是针对气候变化和需要碳价格的互补政策的银弹。必威官网是真的吗这些政策和计划必须解决市场障碍,并在长期内推动大幅减少的削减。

WRI leverages this research to cultivate a shared understanding among public and private sector partners that underscores economy-wide carbon pricing as an important lever to decarbonize the United States economy by mid-century. This understanding should also position carbon pricing as a critical addition to investment-focused climate policy. To further promote this understanding, WRI serves as a resource for policymakers and engages as an environmental voice in coalitions with important private sector voices, like theCEO Climate Dialogue.