伊恩·德·克鲁兹(Ian de Cruz)是P4G的全球总监,他与2030年的绿色增长和全球目标合作,这是一项新计划,旨在支持推进新经济的创新公私合作伙伴关系。他领导着将全球政府,企业和民间社会组织汇集在一起​​,以发展改变游戏的伙伴关系,以满足人类最大的需求:食品,水,住所,能源和可持续利用资源。伊恩(Ian)指导世界资源研究所总部华盛顿特区的P4G全球枢纽。必威官网手机版

在加入P4G之前,IAN在全球经济和气候委员会工作,担任全球战略与合作伙伴关系副主任。必威官网是真的吗在这个角色中,他共同领导了组织的战略方向,愿景,工作计划和资金策略,并指导与100多个组织的网络参与。He has also co-led the integration of climate change within core humanitarian and development work of World Vision, one of the world’s largest international non-government organisations working in nearly 100 countries which included working on a large-scale forestry project for carbon markets in Africa. Ian has also helped shape large complex commercial transactions of public private partnership projects in infrastructure in Australia in the energy, resources, transport and urban planning sectors. Trained as a lawyer, Ian has held management positions in Australian government departments.

