
2月28日,WRI杰出的高级研究员安德鲁·莱特(Andrew Light)在美国众议院能源与商业委员会,环境与气候变化小组委员会的听证会上作证。必威官网是真的吗该主题是在美国的《巴黎协定》和非联邦气候行动上。必威官网是真的吗The hearing, entitled “We’ll Always Have Paris: Filling the Leadership Void Caused by Federal Inaction on Climate Change,” examined the importance of the United States’ continued commitment to the Paris Agreement and how cities, states and businesses across the country are stepping up to say, “We're still in.” Andrew's testimony focused on the current state of the Paris Agreement, climate action happening around the world, such as in China and India, and the international impact of U.S. subnational leadership on climate change — both its benefits and limits. Andrew concluded by offering some suggestions for important next steps Congress could take to support this action.