
9月16日,美国WRI美国气候计划高级副助理Deva必威官网是真的吗shree Saha博士在美国众议院能源与商业委员会,环境与气候变化小组委员会的听证会上作证。The hearing, titled "Building a 100 Percent Clean Economy: Opportunities for an Equitable, Low-Carbon Recovery,” examined opportunities for the United States to rebuild from the economic crisis in a way that creates a cleaner, more equitable and just economy. Devashree’s testimony focused on the economic benefits of climate action and the recent findings from美国的新气候经济必威官网是真的吗,它借鉴了最新的经济和政策研究,以证明低碳基础设施的投资如何在Covid-19之后重新启动美国经济的有效方法,并为长期成功提供了经济。