

  • 分析表明,双利用谈话可以提高司机收入的15%
  • 它可以降低物流的成本微,小型和中型企业(msm)。
  • 研究还表明,优化利用乘客谈话运费可能会减少51.5%的二氧化碳排放在每一个旅行。


据估计,2020年至2030年间,印度的货运活动将增加五倍,这需要适应成本效益迫在眉睫的需求。等因素增加了智能手机的普及率和方便地访问电子商务平台在消费者行为导致了剧烈的变化。政府致力于改善最后一英里的交付和城市物流效率,同时减少拥堵,使加速经济增长。为了实现这一点,它可能需要探索和优化的新类型micromobility-based最后一英里运费模式;低排放货物运输,特别是对于规模较小的载荷;以及如何优化利用现有汽车股票。作为城市交通的重要组成部分,谈话可以在中最后一英里的桥梁连接在城市和城市周边地区。机动三轮车乘客谈话,被认为是“中级公共交通”在印度,更灵活和机动的四轮车货运车辆;他们可以轻松导航城市拥堵的道路,同时也有较高的负载能力比自行车运送货物。双重使用谈话携带货物将给司机一个额外的收入来源,帮助克服供应缺口货运的生态系统。 While regulations of the Motor Vehicles Act (MVA) of 1988 prohibit transportation of goods in contract carriage like that provided by autorickshaws, unregulated dual use of autorickshaws is already common in India. Amendments to the MVA in 2019 give the central government discretionary powers to develop a national transportation policy in concurrence with state governments, and to exempt specific categories of vehicles from older regulations. This could help nurture innovative applications in mobility and pave the way for formally regularizing dual use of autorickshaws. As prior research on this subject is lacking, this study explores potential demand for dual use of autorickshaws, the usefulness of such a strategy, the legal implications, and operational constraints that could arise.

由利Bhatia / MetroRide形象