

脱碳:在过去的一年中,已经宣布了令人印象深刻的零排放承诺。但是,为了确保它们是强大和可信的,需要更多的努力来增强2030年全国确定的贡献(NDC),并将目标与净零承诺相关联,避免融资化石燃料或碳密集型工业,作为COVID-19 Recusey的一部分并利用绿色投资的工作和经济机会。

Circular economy:Wasteful use of material and natural resources is exacerbating climate change and is a missed economic opportunity. Initiatives must shift their focus from “recycling” at the end of a product’s life cycle to engaging in upstream activities focused on “reducing” and “reusing.”

权力下放:Proper collaboration, dissemination of information, and coordination on planning and implementation is essential between national and subnational actors to unleash subnational climate action.

Subnational governments should be empowered, and inclusive planning should take place, especially at the local level.

