
In this Issue Brief, we examine (1) how integrating ecosystem services into landscape management can increase the economic, environmental, and social values generated by managed landscapes for both private landowners and surrounding communities, and (2) how these considerations can be operationalized into landscape decision making, by utilizing tools and methods available today.


Managed landscapes, such as residential lawns, golf courses, and parks, are deeply interconnected to a range of urban and suburban environmental, social, and economic issues. These links partly stem from landscapes’ provision of ecosystem services including stormwater retention, climate moderation, and improved air quality, which in turn affect populous communities’ health and well-being. These landscapes are often privately owned and intensively managed; in fact, landscape management is a $40 billion industry in the United States (Ghali et al. 2010). However, conventional landscaping business practices and sustainability initiatives rarely consider the full range of ecosystem services potentially derived from managed landscapes. As a result, much of the environmental, social, and economic value of these landscapes remains untapped and unmanaged.


Creating Value through Ecosystem Service Management in Urban and Suburban Landscapes世界资源研究所和Cardno Entrix的共同必威官网手机版努力描述了生态系统服务方法及其与托管景观的关系。它回顾了从托管景观中获得的经济,环境和社会利益,重点关注七个生态系统服务:美学和娱乐机会,水质,空气质量,碳固执,当地气候控制,保留水位,保留水和土壤保留。必威官网是真的吗可以使用现有方法来量化这些服务并经济重视。

最后,摘要提出了一个概念性的生态系统服务框架,用于托管景观,以协助将这些考虑因素进行操作并将这些考虑标准化为景观管理。建议的下一步是让相关的利益相关者在托管景观上测试此框架,并致力于详细的标准框架,以评估托管景观及其提供的生态系统服务。为了实现这一目标,此问题摘要伴随着更详细的白皮书,A Framework to Quantify and Value Turfgrass Ecosystem Services(MacNair等人,2013年)。