


《联合国气候变化框架公约》(UNFCCC)的当事方在巴厘岛行动计划中商定了一套“可衡量,可报告和可验证的”(必威官网是真的吗MRV)责任:所有发达国家政党的国家适当缓解承诺或行动;发展中国家政党在全国范围内适当的缓解行动(NAMA);以及针对这些行动的技术,金融和能力建设支持(请参阅框1)。These commitments, actions, and support would form the core of parties’ mitigation responsibilities under a post-2012 international climate change agreement, and the requirement that they be undertaken in a measurable, reportable, and verifiable manner suggests a level of specificity and significance beyond previous obligations under the UNFCCC. Taken together, measurability, reportability, and verifiability have implications for how obligations are defined, how they are financed and implemented, and how parties evaluate each other’s delivery on those obligations, making the concept of MRV a critical source of credibility and effectiveness in a post-2012 agreement.