
股权是新的国际气候协议的中心部分,该协议将于2015年根据UNFCCC决定。本文着眼于各种贸易,人权和环必威官网是真的吗境制度 - 例如蒙特利尔协议 - 查看它们如何解决公平问题,汲取UNFCCC可以从这些制度中学到的教训。该分析表明,公平对于达成共识至关重要,不能从谈判中消除,也不能孤立地解决。

Key Findings


  • A variety of modes of differentiation have been used in a number of multilateral regimes, both for differentiating among parties and for differentiating among the actions they will take; exploring various approaches will be useful for the next steps in the UNFCCC. Differentiating the timing of obligations applicable to parties has been a good model for achieving success in some regimes and may be particularly important to consider in the climate context.

  • 建立确定分化的有效过程是关键。可以通过一个过程来达成差异化承诺,在该过程中,一篮子客观标准为讨论提供了一个起点,但是通过谈判得出结论。尽管欧盟(EU)政策与UNFCCC之间存在明显差异,但欧盟经验的经验确定减少温室气体排放的努力可以为UNFCCC流程提供一个有指导的模型。

  • Exploring ways in which the climate regime can be strengthened over time may be valuable. Multilateral regimes can grow more robust over time as those with less capacity are given time to develop before taking on greater commitments. In addition, flexibility of forward movement by leaders, with some parties signing elements of an agreement that enable them to go farther than others, may also help create positive momentum in the regime.

公平through Institutions, Support, and Procedures

  • 财务和其他支持,以增强获得特定技术的访问以及提供能力和专业知识,是实现公平和有效结果的关键。从关于分担负担到镀锌机会的思维方式转变为技术至关重要。

  • 在建立程序和机构中关注公平对于加强合规性和参与至关重要。促进合规性而不是制裁的促进方式对许多多边制度的发展中国家很有用。

  • Country ownership of strategies and plans, along with effective monitoring of whether finance is meeting its intended objectives, are important in achieving equity. Attention must be paid not only to amounts of assistance, but also to effective means for implementation; countries receiving finance should play a lead role in strategizing about how to make effective use of resources. In addition, it may be helpful to explore models for monitoring and review of outcomes.

Executive Summary

公平问题将在2015年的国际气候协议谈判中处于中心地位。必威官网是真的吗Durban Conference of the Parties(COP) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 2011 launched the negotiating process leading to a 2015 agreement, equity has become a central question in those discussions. The new climate agreement is meant to apply to all Parties, thus raising obvious questions about which countries will take what actions and how equity should factor into making those determinations. The core principles in the UNFCCC of equity and common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities (CBDR-RC) lie at the heart of this debate.

To shed light on these equity discussions within the UNFCCC,公平Lessons from Multilateral Regimes for the New Climate Agreement研究其他国际制度是气候谈判的教训来源。必威官网是真的吗我们概述了包括环境,贸易和人权制度在内的几个制度,并提供了这些政权如何处理股权问题的例子。在某种程度上,我们考虑了国家之间的区别问题,特别是在发达国家和发展中国家之间。我们对这些制度的审查中的一个核心,总​​体的课程是,不仅必须通过在各方的承诺之间区分协议,而且还必须考虑到促进参与或创造条件的机构,支持和程序,而不仅要考虑公平。这促进了政权的目标。该论文的重点是诸如是否定义公正承诺之类的问题;是否基于公平原则来支持国家实现关键目标;国家是否获得公平利益;以及机构和程序是否以对待不同国家的方式公平。根据整个政权的教训,我们就2015年气候协议的教训建议提供了一些建议和结论。必威官网是真的吗