
本月在德国波恩举行的UNFCCC谈判会议上就讨论的讨论就开始了,以了解根据《 2015年新兴协议》中提出的全国确定的捐款当事方所需的信息类型。



《联合国气候变化框架公约》(UNFCCC)的当事方正在与2015年通过的2020年后期的国际协议进行谈判,该必威官网是真的吗协议旨在将全球平均温度的升高限制在高于前2°C以下的全球平均温度上升工业水平(以下称为“ 2015年协议”)。为了准备2015年的协议,当事各方在华沙的当事方(COP 19)会议第19届会议上裁定,以启动或加强准备其预定的全国确定捐款。COP 19的决定进一步规定,应“以促进对预期捐款的清晰度,透明度和理解的方式提交捐款”。Discussions are being initiated at the negotiations session in March 2014 on which information is essential for facilitating clarity, transparency and understanding of the contributions and what level of specificity is useful and necessary for those purposes in order to facilitate Parties’ domestic preparation of their intended nationally determined contributions. It is critical that the identification of information requirements results in a robust yet manageable list of information for Parties to provide with their contributions. Transparency and clarification of post-2020 contributions is one of the main levers to encourage greater ambition and accountability in the 2015 Agreement.
