



  • 继续关注能源计划:通过该计划,该州已经采用了到2018年销售额约0.8%的年度电力储蓄目标。
  • 在2015年以后维护现有的可再生投资组合标准:投资者拥有的公用事业公司出售的电力中有10%来自可再生能源。
  • 增加现有天然气电厂的使用。以75%的身份运行现有的合并循环植物可以减少额外的排放。
  • 提高燃煤电厂效率。在现有燃煤电厂采用低成本的运营改进和最佳实践。



  1. 采用基于市场的碳定价计划,这鼓励了削减成本效益的排放并产生可用于公共投资或减少税收的收入CPP鼓励各州在不正式加入交易计划的情况下进行交易信用。如果威斯康星州通过上述行动超过其CPP目标,则如果在2022年至2030年之间,如果排放津贴津贴以每短吨为10美元,则每年的收入超过1亿美元。
  2. 投资能源效率。效率可以帮助威斯康星州削减其排放,同时为房屋和企业节省资金。从2011 - 14年开始,每美元投资于对能源的关注返还3美元的福利,节省了房屋和企业的累计17亿美元。



On August 3, 2015, EPA finalized standards for existing power plants that will help drive additional CO2 emission reductions by 2030. EPA developed these state-specific standards by taking into account each state’s existing fossil fleet along with an estimate of the potential to increase the existing coal fleet’s efficiency, ramping down coal generation by increasing the utilization of the existing natural gas combined cycle fleet, and developing more renewable energy resources. The Clean Power Plan enables states to use a wide range of options to meet their standards, such as existing clean energy policies and electricity infrastructure (the focus of this analysis), other tools to cut electricity use and increase the use of renewables, and broader initiatives such as participation in a cap-and-trade program or use of a carbon tax. While the U.S. Supreme Court has temporarily halted CPP implementation while the courts consider legal challenges, this stay is not a reason for Wisconsin to stop planning for a lower-carbon power sector.