As per the updated nationally determined contribution (NDC), India now stands committed to reduce the Emissions Intensity of its GDP by 45 percent by 2030 from 2005 level and achieve about 50 percent cumulative electric power installed capacity from non-fossil-fuel-based energy resources by 2030.




泰米尔纳德邦(TN)富含可再生能源(RE),截至2022年5月,可再生能力(包括太阳能,风,生物质和小型水电)的份额达到46%。这构成约14.7%的安装RE RE的14.7%。印度的能力。

TN具有大约100吉瓦(GW)的风能的巨大潜力,其中包括30 GW海上风和17吉瓦太阳能容量。累积安装的RE包括风,太阳能,生物量和高速公路为16.46 GW(截至2022年3月),未来八年计划增加了更多的容量。但是,该州还继续增加热容量,其中一些热项目已经在管道中。

TN is a highly industrialized state with a peak power demand of around 17 GW for fiscal year 2022. Daily consumption is about 340 million units and the electricity demand is expected to grow multifold, given existing plans to support domestic manufacturing and electric vehicles.


It is observed that if the current situation continues without intervention, there is a sharp upward trend in emissions due to the high share of thermal energy generation. Hence, TN needs to start planning for phasing down or retirement of old and inefficient thermal power plants. Further, TN needs to prudently plan future capacity additions to avoid creating surplus (unutilized) capacity.

Utilities in 2030 will need to adopt an integrated planning approach that caters to changing demand by end users and varying supply trends due to increasing RE penetration levels in the electricity mix. States should deeply analyze their consumer-level demand patterns and explore the potential of demand-side energy-efficiency measures to avoid future capital investments and resultant emissions.

Such energy planning exercise could potentially inform the state in development of new policies, capital investment plans, budgets, multiyear tariff orders and decarbonization pathways.

Lessons from the TN case study can help state planners and policymakers to frame their thinking around electricity planning, considering both supply and demand options and help in identifying data gaps to enable a holistic integrated planning approach.