
日本快速启动的金融(FSF)承诺是发达国家中最大的财务之一,但重要的是要考虑这一承诺的内容。日本在为发展中国家的气候变化活动提供资金的全球努力中发挥了重要作用,其FSF承诺占发达国家承诺在2010 - 2012年承诺的必威官网是真的吗FSF的一半。但是,必须更好地了解政府在其FSF中包括的广泛工具和活动,因为不同的政府认为不同类型的金融是构成FSF的,因此自我报告的数字在国家之间并不直接可比。

Key Findings


  • 提供日本FSF支出支持的项目的完整列表。指定构成正式文件中汇总数必威官网是真的吗字的气候金融项目;

  • 包括到相关网页的超链接,这些网页描述了该提出的项目列表中通过FSF支持的项目,因为这将大大增强利益相关者访问有关FSF贡献的信息和对其目标的理解;

  • Compile all information on its climate finance contributions in one easily accessible format, and support access to supporting information on the individual projects that constitute the FSF spend;

  • Explain the eligibility criteria for the ODA and OOF flows that have been counted towards the FSF contribution;

  • Work in cooperation with other contributor countries and multilateral institutions to strengthen and harmonize bilateral and multilateral reporting on climate finance.

Executive Summary

Developed country governments have repeatedly committed to provide new and additional finance to help developing countries transition to low-carbon and climate-resilient growth. This assessment considers Japan’s efforts to provide “fast start finance” (FSF) between January 2010 and February 2012 in the context of the pledge by developed countries to mobilize USD 30 billion from 2010 to 2012 under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). It is part of a series scrutinizing how developed countries are defining, delivering, and reporting FSF.


日本的150亿美元FSF承诺是发达国家中最大的FSF承诺之一,但重要的是要考虑这项承诺的内容。日本在为发展中国家的气候变化活动提供资金的全球努力中发挥了重要作用,其FSF承诺占发达国家已承诺在2010 - 2012年承诺必威官网是真的吗的FSF的一半。但是,必须更好地了解政府在其FSF中包括的广泛工具和活动,因为不同的政府认为不同类型的金融是构成FSF的,因此自我报告的数字在国家之间并不直接可比。


日本FSF朝着缓解措施重量。About 70 percent of Japanese FSF addresses mitigation objectives. Most mitigation finance, in turn, is financed through loans (both ODA and non-ODA), which constitute about 75 percent of the contribution for infrastructure development projects, such as urban transport projects. There is a more even balance between adaptation and mitigation objectives within the grant portion of the FSF contribution (adaptation: 30 percent, mitigation and REDD+: 27 percent, multiple objectives: 43 percent). A significant share of Japanese FSF addresses one or more non-climate objectives in addition to mitigation or adaptation urban transport projects. Asia receives the most FSF among all regions, irrespective of financial instrument type. It is worth noting that the Japanese FSF includes a number of “clean” fossil fuel power plant construction projects, such as a natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) power plant project in Central Asia. There is a need for greater clarity amongst members of the international community about how support for lower carbon fossil fuel facilities should be treated in the context of climate finance.

总而言之,尚不清楚日本FSF的整体是“新的和额外的”。尽管FSF的贡献反映了解决气候变化的一些新努力,但尚不清楚整个贡献可以被视为“新和额外”。必威官网是真的吗自FSF时期开始以来,日本大大增加了国际金融,明确针对气候变化。必威官网是真的吗一些日本机构还开始将气候变化纳入发展援助和发展融资的各个方面。必威官网是真的吗但是,采用专家和从业人员提出的五个不同标准,结果表明,至少一部分日本FSF支出并不是什么新鲜事项。A significant share of Japanese FSF reflects pre-existing pledges to development assistance initiatives to scale up climate change related finance such as those articulated in the Japan Cool Earth Partnership of 2008. Furthermore, Japan’s FSF cannot be seen as additional to its existing commitments to scale up development finance to 0.7 percent of its GNI.

FSF reporting follows Japan’s standard processes for reporting on conventional development assistance, whose transparency can be strengthened to meet new needs associated with FSF.日本FSF的透明度,问责制和信誉有改善的余地。一些确定的问题可能归因于日本FSF包含许多渠道机构支持的项目。这使政府很难清楚地概述日本FSF。

The largest issue is that the information on FSF is disaggregated, although project-level information provided by the implementing agencies is detailed. Most of the climate finance projects could not be easily identified without extensive key word research on the websites of implementing agencies. This study identified about 250 likely FSF projects, amounting to USD 11.7 billion or nearly 90 percent of the amount committed by 29 February 2012. At the same time, about 500 FSF projects – most of which are of relatively low monetary value – could not be independently identified.