




  • Double counting:While the Paris Agreement is clear that double counting must be avoided in Article 6, the extent to which double counting is actually avoided depends on the way in which the accounting rules are operationalized. If emissions reductions are double counted, it will potentially result in an increase in global emissions and weaken the already inadequate NDCs.

  • 加法性:The way in which Article 6 is finalized will dictate whether emissions reductions under Article 6 will be additional to what would have occurred in the Article’s absence. If non-additional reduction units are used, the ambition of the NDCs will be further watered down.

  • 提供雄心和进步的增加:第6条可以以支持雄心勃勃的方式进行设计:例如,确定随后的NDC是否会激励或不抗驱动以增加温室气体和部门的覆盖范围,以及第6条第6条在多大程度上激励了随着时间的推移增强的野心,并导致整体缓解措施。在全球排放中。第6条还可以推动更具成本效益的减少。

  • 第6条活动和适应的融资:The agreed rules for Article 6 can either facilitate or hinder the flow of finance available for related activities because investor confidence depends on a credible carbon market. Barriers could introduce market distortion or make participation difficult. In addition, the rules can impact the finance available for adaptation, including through a share of proceeds levied to support the adaptation fund.

Accordingly, agreement on a strong Article 6 rule book can play a significant role in determining the environmental integrity of the Paris Agreement and its NDCs, the ambitiousness of Parties’ current and subsequent NDCs, and the strength of Article 6 in financing and incentivizing further climate action.

