
Key Findings:

This paper outlines six steps to further integrate water into NDCs:

  1. Establish institutional arrangements and partnerships 
  2. 盘点进度
  3. Update assessment of water adaptation and mitigation priorities
  4. Determine how to specifically reflect water cycle in climate planning 
  5. Assess costs, benefits and cross-thematic interactions 
  6. Align NDCs with funding and finance processes 

Executive Summary:

Mitigating climate change and adapting to its impacts requires the explicit consideration of water. Water is an essential, underlying resource for sustainable development. Failing to adapt to climate change’s impact on the water cycle will be dangerous and costly. In order to meet commitments under the Paris Agreement, climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies must consider the water cycle.


NDC enhancements can go further to expand and refine water adaptation and mitigation commitments. NDCs and NDC enhancements have already communicated water-related vulnerabilities caused by climate change and highlighted adaptation strategies for water management — but future NDC enhancements can go further.

This document presents guidance for aligning water, climate and development goals in NDC enhancements. The steps recommended here include:

  • Establishing institutional coordination
  • 迄今为止进步并设定清晰的水目标
  • Assessing costs and benefits of various water policies and implementation strategies
  • Identifying financial options for implementation

Image by: GRID-Arendalwww.grida.no/resources/1127