Nationally determined contributions (NDCs) are critical for global efforts to limit global warming to 1.5°C and enhance climate resilience. Implementing NDCs will require rapidly increasing financial flows to support climate goals. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, global mitigation investments have to increase by a factor of 36 by 2030 to limit warming to 2°C (IPCC 2022). Developing countries in particular are in urgent need of finance. While only 60 percent of these countries reported on financial need in their NDCs, the combined amount still reaches $4.3 trillion, or roughly $430 billion per year—four times the $100 billion pledge made by developing countries.

This report covers three stages of the process of financing NDCs: planning, implementation, and monitoring. It provides a menu of instruments available to governments as they seek to finance their NDC targets, and it highlights some of the benefits and challenges associated with each option.


These challenges will not be solved by one solution alone. They will require a mosaic of actions that together allow countries to channel finance towards increasingly ambitious climate targets.


  • If the global climate goals outlined in the Paris Agreement are to be met, governments around the world, in partnership with the private sector, must shift and mobilize trillions of dollars in finance towards activities that will ensure implementation of their NDCs at a dramatically more rapid pace than is occurring today.
  • Some governments have begun using the policy and fiscal instruments available to them, but more action is urgently needed.
  • 在每个国家,NDC融资的过程看起来都不同,并且在高收入国家和低收入国家之间的差异很大。然而,每个政府将通过采取一系列行动来实施财务流程的三个关键阶段:制定融资策略,实施相关的金融工具以及监控成功。
  • 财务策略可以帮助确定需要多少资金,如何筹集和重新分配资金以及建立哪些治理结构以确保实施。必威官网亚洲体育
  • 为气候目标提供融资通必威官网是真的吗常需要政府利用旨在使公共财政与国家气候目标保持一致的各种财务,财政和政策工具;增加公共财政以进行气候行动;必威官网是真的吗并转移和动员私人财务。
  • 最后,政府可以建立各种系统来跟踪财务流程,以确定朝着气候目标融资的进步。必威官网是真的吗

Image by Nav Photography/Pexels