


President Obama announced a national climate plan in June 2013, directing the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to set carbon pollution standards for the power sector. Once EPA establishes those standards, states will implement their own plans for achieving those reductions.

In this fact sheet, WRI examines existing tools Ohio can use to reduce power plant emissions and help meet future standards.

Key Findings

CO2 reduction opportunities using existing policies include:

  • Reductions from the RPS:Ohio’s Renewable and Advanced Energy Portfolio Standard requires 12.5 percent of the electricity sold by each utility or electric services company to come from renewable energy sources by 2024. WRI analysis finds that by meeting the RPS, Ohio will reduce its CO2 emissions by 7 percent below 2011 levels in 2020.

  • Reductions from the EERS:在2009年至2025年之间,俄亥俄州公用事业公司必须实施可在2009年至2025年之间获得22%的电力的计划。WRI分析发现,通过与EERS达到ERS,俄亥俄州的CO2排放量将在2020年将其CO2排放量低于2011年的水平。

CO2 reduction opportunities using available infrastructure include:

  • Increasing combined heat and power (CHP) capacity at commercial and industrial facilities:俄亥俄州具有9.8吉瓦的技术潜力,用于新的CHP,目前利用了约5%的潜力。WRI分析发现,通过将CHP的使用增加到其技术潜力的25%,俄亥俄州可以将其CO2排放量降低到2020年的2011年水平3%。

  • Fully utilizing existing combined cycle natural gas (NGCC) capacity:俄亥俄州的NGCC车队在2011年的运营能力为47%。将所有现有单位的运营能力提高到75%将减少该州对煤炭的依赖。WRI分析发现,通过完全使用现有的合并循环天然气容量,俄亥俄州可以在2020年将其二氧化碳排放量低于2011年的水平7%。

  • 提高现有煤炭发电厂的效率:现有的燃煤电厂的效率可以通过翻新,改善运营和维护实践等方面提高。WRI分析发现,通过提高发电厂的效率,俄亥俄州可以到2020年将其CO2排放量降低2%。

Executive Summary

According to new WRI analysis, in the near-term, Ohio can meet and possibly exceed forthcoming emissions standards for existing power plants. Ohio has a renewable portfolio standard (RPS) and an energy efficiency resource standard (EERS) in place, which if successful will achieve significant reductions in CO2 emissions from the power sector.

WRI分析发现,到2020年,使用现有的州政策和基础设施机会,俄亥俄州可以将其二氧化碳排放量低于2011年的水平27%。These reductions would meet or exceed potentially stringent federal standards by the EPA for existing power plants.
